Hgst sannolikt blir USA eller Kanada trea s grupptvan fr det tufft.
Om inte USA vs Canada spelar oavgjort och USA tar 2p, d vinner USA gruppen fre Canada frutsatt att Canada slr Tyskland, hjlper isf fga att Finland slr Lettland man blir likvl 3a.
Om inte USA vs Canada spelar oavgjort och USA tar 2p, d vinner USA gruppen fre Canada frutsatt att Canada slr Tyskland, hjlper isf fga att Finland slr Lettland man blir likvl 3a.
Stmmer men vad r sannolikheten att det blir s. Tio procent kanske.
Ser inte ut som mlvakten i Sverige, r helt 100 plitlig. Puckarna sattes hgt ocks.
Backspelet har visat sig vara nyckeln till Sveriges offensiv igen,tminstone i Gruppspels fasen. Dremot r spelet i egen zon tveksamt.
Boxplay spelets svagheter syntes,nr ett lite snabbare och mer tekniskt lag levererade p isen.
Vad hnder nr tempot,nrkamperna kar?
Senast redigerad av BizarreReverend 2024-12-30 kl. 02:34.
Trodde Kanada skulle gra skpmat av Tyskland direkt efter frlusten mot Lettland men str bara 1-0 fortfarande i 2a perioden 13-12 i skott till Kanada just nu
Tvrt om var det rtt av Tyskland att ta ut mlvakten d:
"The tie-breaking system for two teams with the same number of points in a standing will be the game between the two teams, the winner of the game taking precedence."
Mlskillnaden spelar bara roll i ett avslutat gruppspel om 3 eller fler lag hamnar p samma pong och Tyskland skulle inte kunna hamna p samma pong som ntt annat lag i sin grupp n just Lettland om de frlorade mot Kanada efter full tid.
Drfr tog de ut mlvakten i slutet av matchen mot Kanada fr att frska f till en frlngning och f 1 eller 2 pong med sig.
Det hade gett dom bttre frutsttningar infr sin desmatch mot Lettland:
0 p med sig:
Nu mste de vinna efter full tid fr att ha en chans att g vidare som 4:a i gruppen och hoppas p att Lettland tar max 1 pong mot Finland som dom har kvar sen.
1 p med sig:
Vid seger efter frlngning/straffar s mste Lettland ta pong mot Finland fr att sl ut Tyskland.
Vid seger full tid mste mste Lettland vinna mot Finland efter full tid fr att sl ut Tyskland.
2 p med sig:
Vid seger efter frlngning/straffar s mste Lettland ta minst 2 pong mot Finland fr att sl ut Tyskland.
Vid seger full tid mste Lettland sl Finland och de 3 lagen skulle sras enl. egen tabell dr Tysklands inslppta ml mot Kanada skulle komma VLDIGT lngt ner i avgrandet:
Step 1: Taking into consideration the games between each of the tied teams, a sub-group is created applying the points awarded in the direct games amongst the tied teams from which the teams are then ranked accordingly.
Step 2: Should three or more teams still remain tied in points then the better goal difference in the direct games amongst the tied teams will be decisive.
Step 3: Should three or more teams still remain tied in points and goal difference then the highest number of goals scored by these teams in their direct games will be decisive
Step 4: Should three or more teams still remain tied in points, goal difference and goals scored then the results between each of the three teams and the closest best-ranked team outside the sub-group will be applied. In this case the tied team with the best result (1. points, 2. goal difference, 3. more goals scored) against the closest best ranked-team will take precedence
Step 5: Should the teams still remain tied, then the results between each of the three teams and the next highest best-ranked team outside the sub-group will be applied.
Step 6: Should the teams still remain tied after these five steps have been exercised then Sport considerations will be applied and the teams will be ranked by their positions coming into the Championship (seeding).In the case where two teams are tied and they have not yet played against each other, and in the
case where three or more teams are tied and not all mutual games have been played within the subgroup, the following criteria will be used to break the tie: 1. fewest number of games played, 2. highest goal Difference in all games, 3. highest number of goals for in all games, 4. highest tournament seeding entering the tournament.
Efter kvartsfinalerna rankas lagen om enl fljande:
In the Semi-Finals the best-ranked team criteria:
1) placement in the group,
2) points in the Preliminary Round,
3) goal difference in the Preliminary Round,
4) goals scored in the Preliminary Round,
5) seeding coming into the tournament will play against the lowest-ranked semi-finalist. The second-best ranked semi-finalist will play the third-best ranked semi-finalist.
Men fr att Tysklands ett enda inslppta ml i tom bur mot Kanada ens ska kunna spela ngon roll dr mste Tyskland, och den andra grupp 4an, ta sig till semifinal...
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