Zur Giftigkeit:
In Brennesseln wurden Acetylcholin, Histamin und Serotonin gefunden. Es ist allerdings noch nicht gesichert, ob diese Verbindungen (insbesondere Histamin) für den Juckreiz verantwortlich zeichnen.
Nässlor innehåller alltså acetylcholin, histamin och serotonin.
Acetylgrejen vet jag inget om men histamin ska ju vara hallucinogent och serotonin är ju den signalsubstans i hjärnan som gör ecstasy till vad det är
Låter lite som om man kan åka på en kärlekstripp i en färgglad värld om de konsumeras på rätt sätt :P
The length, fineness, tensile strength, and moisture absorption ability of Nettle (Urtica cannabina L) fibre were studied. The investigation revealed that most of the Urtica cannabina L fibres are within the range of 20 to 70 mm in length, with fineness ranging from 15 to 40 μm.
The research indicated that compared to wool, cotton and several other bast fibres, Urtica cannabina L fibres' moisture absorption ability is higher because of its special fibre structure. The study showed that the Urtica cannabina L fibre could be an ideal replacement of some widely used natural textile fibres. Spinning trials showed that it is not practical to produce yarn with pure nettle fibre because of its smooth surface and straight form. However, blended with other suitable fibres, yarns may be successfully spun
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