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Det r uppenbarligen en mycket hgt prioriterad fiende d det hetsas dagligen i judisk media i vstvrlden, finansieras revolutioner i grannlnder till Ryssland (Ukraina, Georgien) och infrs sanktioner mot Ryssland frn "Vst".
Frstr man inte att den organiserade judenheten hatar Ryssland som frsvarar Iran och Syrien, bryter med dollarn och inte stller upp p en vrld dr USA styr allt s frstr man inte mycket. Fr judarna r det ganska svart och vitt hr, tvrtemot din fantasilsa och korkade floskel.
Detta "stora judiska inflytande", hur syns det politiskt sett i Ryssland, bde inrikes och utrikes? Det r en ganska konstig judiskt styrd regim som bekmpar kulturmarxism, str i vgen fr frintandet av judarnas fiender i Mellanstern och frsker gra sig oberoende av dollarn om man nu skall lyssna p frskallar som dig.
Problemet r ju att detta inte r sant, inte mycket av det iaf. Ryssland skiljer sig inte srskilt mycket frn vst vad gller kulturmarxistiska vrderingar (lt g att man r lite tuffare i homofrgan men det r inte mycket mer n s). Ryssland frtrycker nationalister och revisionister precis lika mycket som de vrsta av europeiska stater. Att "frneka frintelsen" r frbjudet i Ryssland och mnga vanliga historiebcker ssom
Hitlers table talk r frbjudna.
Hr r ett utdrag ur en artikel ur The Jerusalem Post som talar om hur bra Putin varit mot judarna, ven om frfattaren trots detta bverkar ta stllning mot Putin;
Still, there are many in the global Jewish community who support Putin because he is good to the Jews of Russia.
There can be little doubt that he is. Ending the centuries old anti-Semitism which was endemic to Russia and claimed the lives of endless hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, in state-sponsored pogroms, Putin is the man principally responsible for the $50 million Jewish museum of Moscow, to which he also donated a month of his official salary. (Dont worry, a man estimated to have $75 billion isnt going hungry any time soon.) He has been extremely good to Chabad, giving them official state recognition. He also seems to be good to Israel, establishing strong diplomatic relations with a nation he says has a natural connection to Russia, given Israels million- strong Russian-speaking community.
Hr r en annan artikel frn Jerusalem Post som r mer ppenhjrtig i sitt std fr Putin;
Yet today it is almost surreal, particularly when recalling the major contribution of Soviet Jewish dissidents toward the downfall of the Evil Empire, to observe President Vladimir Putin, the authoritarian former KGB official, displaying overt friendship toward Jews and Israel.
We are under no misapprehensions. Neither Russia nor Ukraine are democracies. But on a relative scale, the corruption and xenophobia currently dominating Ukraine is more extreme than in Russia, where Putin has suppressed anti-Semites and repeatedly made friendly gestures to the Jewish community. For example, he provided $50 million of state funding for a Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow, in addition to which he symbolically personally donated a months salary.
In this he displayed total indifference to the powerful anti-Semitic elements in Russian society.
Long before the confrontations with the US, Putin indicated that he respected Jews and made great efforts to display friendship to Israel. He has already paid two state visits to Jerusalem, the most recent immediately after his reelection in June 2012. He repeatedly expressed pride that former Russians make up Israels largest immigrant group.
He visited the Kotel the Western Wall, even donning a yarmulke, which would have made his Bolshevik predecessors turn in their graves. He seemed utterly indifferent to the fact that this outraged Islamic groups in Israel and abroad.
Hur gr detta Putin och Ryssland till ngon sorts rddare i nden fr oss? Putin har massor av judiska oligarker p sin sida och r knappast ngon fiende till den internationella judendomen. Ex s skriver Andrew Hamilton p counter-currents;
A number of economic sanctions have been imposed on powerful Russian and Jewish individuals (Putin maintains a large circle of Jewish oligarchs, government officials, and community leaders) and corporations, and Russia has been expelled from the Group of 8 (G8) industrial nations (the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Italy, and Japan).
Att det fr nrvarande finns en territoriell konflikt mellan Ryssland och Vst angende steuropa gr inte Putin till vr rddare och det betyder inte att vi har en situation dr Putin kommer att utmana vst, inte ens om de ville det. Att Putin mlas upp som en stark diktator i vst betyder inte att han r det, i sjlva verket s r Ryssland bde ekonomiskt svagt och inringat av potentiella fiender. Andrew Hamilton skriver;
So, the question is, does Putin have the power to respond effectively to the tightening cordon around his country? Is Russia, under any imaginable scenario, a genuine match for Jews and the West? Is there anything the country can really do?
Second, does Putin or anybody else in the leadership possess the will to oppose, in a determined manner, the forces arrayed against Russia? Since the leaders are not dedicated champions of the historical West, Europe, Christianity, white people, or even old-style Communism, it is hard to discern any principled grounds for zealous resistance. Yet, they are confronted by fanatics.
To be blunt, in terms of racial prejudice (anti-white), commitment to Jewish dominance, ideology (Left totalitarianism), corruption, and even values, Russia, Ukraine, and the West dont seem all that different.
Jag har faktiskt vldigt svrt att se hur det hela r "ganska svart eller vitt fr judarna hr" men du eller din kompis Rex kanske kan upplysa om saken? Om han inte r fr upptagen med att tugga fradga dvs.
Visa ocks grna hur judarna bekmpar kulturmarxism (undantaget homolobbyn vilken ven bekmpas med strre kraft i steuropa generellt sett) och hur han str i vgen fr judarna i mellanstern? Att Putin har gett std till Syrien och Iran r sin sak men det har inget att gra med att dessa lnder r antijudiska utan med att de r fiender till USA. Som frfattareen till den hr artikeln i Jerusalem Post sger;
Yet he is also far more of a realist than US President Barack Obama and must be under no illusions about the threat Islamic fundamentalism represents to his country. He must also be concerned about the repercussions facing Russia should Iran become a nuclear power.
jag brukade kpa Putin som en relativt positiv aktr innan jag satte mig in i frgan mer grundligt men efter att ha gjort detta s r detta inget som jag kan skriva upp p lngre. Jag r dock alltid villig att omvrdera min sikt om du eller ngon annan kan presentera goda argument fr sin sak. jag betvivlar dock att du r srskilt intresserad av detta d du av ngon ofrklarlig anledning tycks vara mer pigg p att slnga epitet efter de som ifrgastter dina stndpunkter. Varfr har jag ingen aning om men sannolikt s har det att gra med att argumenten tryter och d blir det vl ltt s.
Den trkiga sanningen r vl frmodligen att precis som med det mesta s finns judarna med p bda sidor och vinner oavsett vad som hnder.