Sg att vi ska g in p, d tar det 2-3 sekunder innan ngonting hnder och sedan gr det jttesnabbt. Det r likadant oavsett vad man gr. Kolla p youtube; tar 2-3 sekunder innan den brjar ladda och sedan gr det jttesnabbt (jag har 100/100, s snabbt ska det g...).
Problemet uppstod efter jag frskt ppna portar. Fljde olika guider p ntet som inte hjlpte ett skit tyvrr. S nu sitter jag hr med fortsatt stngda portar och ett frustrerande internet.
Har fabriksterstllt routern, ingen skillnad.
Ngon som har frslag p vad jag kan ha gjort fr tokigt och hur jag kan lsa det?
Kan du pinga lite olika adresser i kommandotolken och ange din responstid?
Antingen r det att DNS-uppslagen drar ut p tiden och d r det bara att byta DNS-server. Eller s r det din internetleverantr som har problem med prestandan.
Senast redigerad av svallerbyttan 2015-08-28 kl. 12:06.
Det lter som DNS-anropet tar ngon extra omvg eller ngot.
ppna "Ntverksverktyg" och anvnd verktygen (brja med 'netstat') fr vi se hur det gr.
Jag har inte riktigt pensionrsniv nr det kommer till datorer, men det hr frstod jag mig p. S jag klistrar in allt som verkar intressant s hoppas jag att ngon orkar titta p det. Antar att det gr snabbt om man vet vad man letar efter.
"Visa detaljerad ntverksstatistik fr varje protokoll"
7083561 packets sent
478417 data packets (295711922 bytes)
16073 data packets (9513566 bytes) retransmitted
0 resends initiated by MTU discovery
4188436 ack-only packets (37177 delayed)
0 URG only packets
0 window probe packets
2347765 window update packets
54125 control packets
0 data packets sent after flow control
483250 checksummed in software
470571 segments (37516002 bytes) over IPv4
12679 segments (1233041 bytes) over IPv6
12624350 packets received
237214 acks (for 294987607 bytes)
295095 duplicate acks
0 acks for unsent data
11516284 packets (3395925567 bytes) received in-sequence
262310 completely duplicate packets (35881763 bytes)
277 old duplicate packets
177 received packets dropped due to low memory
458 packets with some dup. data (210779 bytes duped)
595844 out-of-order packets (826656698 bytes)
2390 packets (2388 bytes) of data after window
2388 window probes
1693 window update packets
1227 packets received after close
21 bad resets
0 discarded for bad checksums
1169427 checksummed in software
1159122 segments (1496243054 bytes) over IPv4
10305 segments (1325282 bytes) over IPv6
0 discarded for bad header offset fields
0 discarded because packet too short
35414 connection requests
82 connection accepts
4 bad connection attempts
0 listen queue overflows
24000 connections established (including accepts)
43733 connections closed (including 6051 drops)
391 connections updated cached RTT on close
391 connections updated cached RTT variance on close
178 connections updated cached ssthresh on close
2472 embryonic connections dropped
5477162 segments updated rtt (of 233011 attempts)
45895 retransmit timeouts
628 connections dropped by rexmit timeout
0 connections dropped after retransmitting FIN
30 persist timeouts
0 connections dropped by persist timeout
43 keepalive timeouts
14 keepalive probes sent
13 connections dropped by keepalive
31691 correct ACK header predictions
11388854 correct data packet header predictions
4497 SACK recovery episodes
4361 segment rexmits in SACK recovery episodes
5044300 byte rexmits in SACK recovery episodes
24256 SACK options (SACK blocks) received
626410 SACK options (SACK blocks) sent
0 SACK scoreboard overflow
0 LRO coalesced packets
0 times LRO flow table was full
0 collisions in LRO flow table
0 times LRO coalesced 2 packets
0 times LRO coalesced 3 or 4 packets
0 times LRO coalesced 5 or more packets
867 limited transmits done
4142 early retransmits done
156 times cumulative ack advanced along with SACK
11 probe timeouts
3 times retransmit timeout triggered after probe
2 times fast recovery after tail loss
2 times recovered last packet
0 connections negotiated ECN
0 times congestion notification was sent using ECE
0 times CWR was sent in response to ECE
26 times packet reordering was detected on a connection
170 times transmitted packets were reordered
210 times fast recovery was delayed to handle reordering
170 times retransmission was avoided by delaying recovery
0 retransmissions not needed
15947388 datagrams received
0 with incomplete header
0 with bad data length field
0 with bad checksum
340 with no checksum
1057236 checksummed in software
1055745 datagrams (1371585266 bytes) over IPv4
1491 datagrams (397123 bytes) over IPv6
2283 dropped due to no socket
106 broadcast/multicast datagrams undelivered
0 times multicast source filter matched
15453 dropped due to full socket buffers
0 not for hashed pcb
15929546 delivered
8290184 datagrams output
343465 checksummed in software
340481 datagrams (26881509 bytes) over IPv4
2984 datagrams (452185 bytes) over IPv6
28558721 total packets received
0 bad header checksums
2219858 headers (44397352 bytes) checksummed in software
0 with size smaller than minimum
0 with data size < data length
12965 with data size > data length
0 packets forced to software checksum
0 with ip length > max ip packet size
0 with header length < data size
0 with data length < header length
0 with bad options
0 with incorrect version number
0 fragments received
0 dropped (dup or out of space)
0 dropped after timeout
0 reassembled ok
28557074 packets for this host
5 packets for unknown/unsupported protocol
0 packets forwarded (0 packets fast forwarded)
684 packets not forwardable
958 packets received for unknown multicast group
0 redirects sent
15378218 packets sent from this host
0 packets sent with fabricated ip header
0 output packets dropped due to no bufs, etc.
34 output packets discarded due to no route
0 output datagrams fragmented
0 fragments created
0 datagrams that can't be fragmented
0 tunneling packets that can't find gif
380 datagrams with bad address in header
0 packets dropped due to no bufs for control data
816906 headers (16338860 bytes) checksummed in software
2283 calls to icmp_error
0 errors not generated 'cuz old message was icmp
Output histogram:
echo reply: 63
destination unreachable: 2283
0 messages with bad code fields
0 messages < minimum length
0 bad checksums
0 messages with bad length
0 multicast echo requests ignored
0 multicast timestamp requests ignored
Input histogram:
echo reply: 113
destination unreachable: 9321
routing redirect: 1
echo: 63
time exceeded: 125
63 message responses generated
ICMP address mask responses are disabled
0 messages received
0 messages received with too few bytes
0 messages received with wrong TTL
0 messages received with bad checksum
0 V1/V2 membership queries received
0 V3 membership queries received
0 membership queries received with invalid field(s)
0 general queries received
0 group queries received
0 group-source queries received
0 group-source queries dropped
0 membership reports received
0 membership reports received with invalid field(s)
0 membership reports received for groups to which we belong
0 V3 reports received without Router Alert
50 membership reports sent
0 inbound packets processed successfully
0 inbound packets violated process security policy
0 inbound packets with no SA available
0 invalid inbound packets
0 inbound packets failed due to insufficient memory
0 inbound packets failed getting SPI
0 inbound packets failed on AH replay check
0 inbound packets failed on ESP replay check
0 inbound packets considered authentic
0 inbound packets failed on authentication
0 outbound packets processed successfully
0 outbound packets violated process security policy
0 outbound packets with no SA available
0 invalid outbound packets
0 outbound packets failed due to insufficient memory
0 outbound packets with no route
6177 ARP requests sent
58 ARP replies sent
0 ARP announcements sent
3180 ARP requests received
361 ARP replies received
3580 total ARP packets received
0 ARP conflict probes sent
0 invalid ARP resolve requests
0 total packets dropped due to lack of memory
4627 total packets dropped due to no ARP entry
3270 total packets dropped during ARP entry removal
1981 ARP entries timed out
91 Duplicate IPs seen
0 data packets sent
0 data bytes sent
0 data packets received
0 data bytes received
0 packets with an invalid MPCAP option
0 packets with an invalid MPJOIN option
0 times primary subflow fell back to TCP
0 times secondary subflow fell back to TCP
0 DSS option drops
0 other invalid MPTCP options
0 times the MPTCP subflow window was reduced
0 bad DSS checksums
0 times received out of order data
0 subflow switches
25640 total packets received
0 with size smaller than minimum
0 with data size < data length
0 with data size > data length
0 packets forced to software checksum
0 with bad options
0 with incorrect version number
0 fragments received
0 dropped (dup or out of space)
0 dropped after timeout
0 exceeded limit
0 reassembled ok
25346 packets for this host
0 packets forwarded
190 packets not forwardable
0 redirects sent
190 multicast packets which we don't join
0 packets whose headers are not continuous
0 tunneling packets that can't find gif
0 packets discarded due to too may headers
0 forward cache hit
0 forward cache miss
0 packets dropped due to no bufs for control data
26965 packets sent from this host
0 packets sent with fabricated ip header
0 output packets dropped due to no bufs, etc.
17227 output packets discarded due to no route
0 output datagrams fragmented
0 fragments created
0 datagrams that can't be fragmented
0 packets that violated scope rules
Input histogram:
hop by hop: 56
TCP: 19672
UDP: 4610
ICMP6: 1300
Mbuf statistics:
4688 one mbuf
two or more mbuf:
lo0= 1687
19265 one ext mbuf
0 two or more ext mbuf
0 failures of source address selection
67 calls to icmp_error
0 errors not generated because old message was icmp error or so
0 errors not generated because rate limitation
Output histogram:
unreach: 67
router solicitation: 52
neighbor solicitation: 887
neighbor advertisement: 529
MLDv2 listener report: 70
0 messages with bad code fields
0 messages < minimum length
0 bad checksums
0 messages with bad length
Input histogram:
MLDv1 listener report: 2
neighbor solicitation: 531
neighbor advertisement: 633
Histogram of error messages to be generated:
0 no route
0 administratively prohibited
0 beyond scope
67 address unreachable
0 port unreachable
0 packet too big
0 time exceed transit
0 time exceed reassembly
0 erroneous header field
0 unrecognized next header
0 unrecognized option
0 redirect
0 unknown
0 message responses generated
0 messages with too many ND options
0 messages with bad ND options
0 bad neighbor solicitation messages
533 bad neighbor advertisement messages
0 bad router solicitation messages
0 bad router advertisement messages
0 bad redirect messages
0 path MTU changes
0 inbound packets processed successfully
0 inbound packets violated process security policy
0 inbound packets with no SA available
0 invalid inbound packets
0 inbound packets failed due to insufficient memory
0 inbound packets failed getting SPI
0 inbound packets failed on AH replay check
0 inbound packets failed on ESP replay check
0 inbound packets considered authentic
0 inbound packets failed on authentication
0 outbound packets processed successfully
0 outbound packets violated process security policy
0 outbound packets with no SA available
0 invalid outbound packets
0 outbound packets failed due to insufficient memory
0 outbound packets with no route
0 messages received
0 checksum calcurations on inbound
0 messages with bad checksum
0 messages dropped due to no socket
0 multicast messages dropped due to no socket
0 messages dropped due to full socket buffers
0 delivered
0 datagrams output
0 requests sent to userland
0 bytes sent to userland
0 messages with invalid length field
0 messages with invalid version field
0 messages with invalid message type field
0 messages too short
0 messages with memory allocation failure
0 messages with duplicate extension
0 messages with invalid extension type
0 messages with invalid sa type
0 messages with invalid address extension
0 requests sent from userland
0 bytes sent from userland
0 messages toward single socket
0 messages toward all sockets
0 messages toward registered sockets
0 messages with memory allocation failure
17 current kernel control sockets
89167 kernel control generation count
0 bad vendor failures
7442 message too big failures
0 out of memeory failures
0 messages dropped due to full socket buffers
639523 message posteds
0 total kernel control modules registered
10 current kernel control modules registered
31 current kernel control sockets
56073 kernel control generation count
28047 connection attempts
0 connection failures
1180 send failures
0 send list failures
0 enqueus failures
0 packets dropped due to full socket buffers
Skerstll ven att du kr ditt trdlsa p 5 Ghz och inte 2.4 Ghz.
Nej, det hr inte hit. Vad som r bst fr dig, med dina lokala frutsttningar, r inte bttre fr andra. Det r ingen universell sanning att 5ghz r snabbare n 2.4ghz wifi.
Flashback finansieras genom donationer frn vra medlemmar och beskare. Det r med hjlp av dig vi kan fortstta erbjuda en fri samhllsdebatt. Tack fr ditt std!