GM dömdes idag till fjorton års fängelse.
Man who stabbed Mayor of Cologne sentenced to 14 years in jail
A court in Düsseldorf has convicted 45-year-old Frank S. from Cologne of attempted murder after he stabbed Reker in the neck with a 30-centimeter-long knife last year. Prosecutors had called for a life sentence. The convicted man's name can not be given in full, in line with German privacy laws.
During his trial, Frank S. claimed he did not mean to kill Reker but had targeted her for her pro-refugee stance. In her previous role as the city's top social welfare official, Reker had responsibility for accommodating refugees.
"He wanted to send a signal to the Federal government about refugee policy," presiding judge Barbara Havliza said as she gave her verdict on Friday. "He wanted to create a climate of fear, and influence policy."
Frank S. har under rättegången beskyllt Tysklands regering för högförräderi - han anser att den inte har rätt att släppa in flyktingar i landet. Han ville statuera exempel ...
Enligt en polis funderade GM också på att angripa förbundskansler Merkel, men insett att han inte hade möjlighet att genomföra ett sådant. Psykiater konsterar att GM lider av en paranoid-narcisstisk personlighetsstörning. Fullt tillräknelig är han dock.