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Nej, det skedde naturligtvis ingen kupp i Kiev.
De ryska propagandisterna här på Flashback stöder sig hela tiden på den ryska officiella versionen om "kuppmakarna" i Kiev. Faller deras argument där så faller hela det ryska korthuset. Hur ska de annars kunna sprida lögnerna om "det upproriska folket" som ställde sig på Rysslands sida? De vill inte erkänna fakta, att det rörde sig om en noga planerad rysk invasionen och kupp mot valda regioner i Ukraina. Krim lyckades de med i och med att ryska soldater fanns på plats, Donbass var ett misslyckande och krävde regelrätta ryska insatser i efterhand, sedan vet vi hur det gick i Odessa t ex, folket tog saken i egna händer och jagade bort de ryska kuppmakarna innan det gick för långt. I sin iver att slänga molotovcocktails från en ockuperad byggnad lyckades dårarna tända eld på sig själva.
Inte en enda länk som styrker allt smörja som du hävdar. Ingen kupp, lögnhals?
1. Även
George Friedman,
STRATFOR-chef säger att det var "
Most Blatant Coup in History"
• "Russia calls the events that took place at the beginning of this year
a coup d'etat organized by the United States.
And it truly was the most blatant coup in history."
• "About three years ago, in one of my books,
I predicted that as soon as Russia starts to increase its power and demonstrate it, a crisis would occur in Ukraine."
2. USA, men även EU brutit mot
Helsingfors avtalet,
kapitel VI: "
Non-intervention in internal affairs"
The participating States
will refrain from any intervention, direct or indirect, individual or collective, in the internal or external affairs falling within the domestic jurisdiction of another participating State, regardless of their mutual relations.
They will accordingly refrain from any form of armed intervention or threat of such intervention against another participating State.
They will likewise
in all circumstances refrain from any other act of military, or of political, economic or other coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by another participating State of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind.
they will, inter alia, refrain from direct or indirect assistance to terrorist activities, or to subversive or other activities directed towards the violent overthrow of the regime of another participating State.
Redan i början av februari 2014,( innan någon överenskommelse mellan ukrainska regeringen, oppositionen, Frankrike, Tyskland och Polen hade träffats), av ett läkt tel.samtal mellan Nuland och Pyatt, framgår att de diskuterade vem blir nästa ukrainsk PM!!
the intercepted phone call between US Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, the two were, as Russian expert Stephen Cohen put it to Democracy Now, “
plotting a coup d’état against the elected president of Ukraine.”
At one point in the call,
Nuland endorsed “Yat” as the head of a new government, referring to Arseniy Yatsenyuk of the Fatherland Party,
who indeed is now acting prime minister. But she went on to say that
Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok should be kept “on the outside.”
Courtesy of Zerohedge, and an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to
US involvement in overthrowing foreign governments. Here are just the examples since World War II (* indicates successful ouster of a government).
.../that US intelligence was scrambling to respond to the first ever case of someone doing to it what
the US had done to the rest of the world for decades without any fear of retaliation.
Dmitro Jarosch tillsammans med sina fascister
startade inbördeskriget:
The 20 April 2014 Easter Attack: Again on Right Sector and the Making of the Ukrainian Civil War
"The first serious clashes with fatalities came on April 20, at a
checkpoint in Slavyansk. The insurgents then accused the PS of starting the fighting. As proof they seized personal items,
cards, money, and the business card of Dmitro Jarosch.
The security authorities in Kiev claimed that hostilities were provoked by
Russian special forces.
The Pravy Sektor categorically denied any involvement in the fighting.
Found objects, which could be quite soon assigned to members of the PS were dismissed as Russian propaganda. Thus began the military conflict in Donbass."
Två år senare, april 2016, i en intervju med "" Dmitro Jarosch erkänner
Now, two years later, Dmitro Yarosh explains how he personally organized the provocation at the Slavyansk checkpoint, and that
the business card found on one of the victims was in fact, his.
His presentation further avows that he was personally called on to act by the then interim president Olexander Turchynov. Yarosch had orders to destroy the radio tower near the city in order to prevent "Russian propaganda." In addition, an anti-Maidan movement was to be stopped.
The question remains
why Jarosch is now asserting that he provoked the events in Donbass. According to some accounts it was done in connection with the second anniversary. Perhaps another fact plays a role: he left the Pravy Sektor last year and is now setting up a new organization.
Ukraina sätter in armén mot proryska separatisterna
The International Advisory Panel:
Investigation of May 2014 events in Odesa failed to comply with requirements of European Human Right Convention.
123. It was established in the course of the investigations that incendiary mixtures (Molotov cocktails)
had been used by both parties to the conflict, including in the building itself. There was no evidence of pre-planned arson or of the use of potent toxic agents, including chloroform. These findings appear to be confirmed by the findings of the 2 May Group
125. The representatives of the 2 May Group stated before the Panel that
the initial expert
report had been established without any examination of the Trade Union Building.
128. On the following day, 4 May 2014, the Trade Union Building was
opened to the public.
164. As to the fire in the Trade Union Building,
no-one has been notified of suspicion of
causing the fire, including the throwing of Molotov cocktails towards or into the building.
the faces of some of those who prepared and threw Molotov cocktails are visible on
video footage, the authorities claim not to have established their identities.
172. At 8.50 p.m. Mr Hubai announced that the fire had been extinguished.
The operation
had been hindered by the constant throwing of bottles containing combustible substances into the building and other interferences by third persons.
206. In assessing whether the investigations under review were independent, the Panel
notes that,
from the outset, there were allegations, supported by video evidence, of
collusion between certain members of the police force deployed to protect public order on
2 May 2014 and activists involved in the mass disorder.
235. Secondly, the Panel finds that
certain forensic examinations were not diligently
carried out.
241. The Panel finds
the original decision to close the case to be particularly disquieting when taken together with the initiative of certain Members of Parliament who, in January 2015, introduced a draft law proposing to grant an amnesty to Mr Honcharevskyi and Mr Khodiak, both pro-unity activists suspected of assault and murder respectively.
I denna video kan man se fascisth***r som iordningställer Molotov cocktails
utanför byggnaden
The Odessa Massacre - What REALLY Happened
Man kan se
vem som kastar Molotov cocktails mot byggnaden,
vilka som gör dessa Molotov cocktails utanför byggnaden,
polis som skjuter mot byggnaden
Roses Have Thorns (Part 6) The Odessa Massacre