Ursprungligen postat av
Kanske vore p sin plats att de tergav vad som hnt innan de brjar gapa rasism.
Om inte muslimska kvinnor fr kl sig hu de vill, nr de vill s r de offer fr rasism.
Sjlvklart mste vl ett fretag f bestmma sjlva vilken kldkod som gller p jobbet om det inte passar fr man vl ska ett annat jobb.
Samira Achbita had been a receptionist for the Belgian branch of G4S, the London-listed outsourcing and security company when, after three years at the firm she decided she wanted to start wearing a headscarf at work for religious reasons. Achbita was fired in June 2006 for refusing to take off her scarf. The company said she had broken unwritten rules prohibiting religious symbols.
In the second case, Asma Bougnaoui, a design engineer, was fired from an IT consultancy firm, Micropole, after a customer complained that his staff had been embarrassed by her headscarf while she was on their premises to give advice. She had been told before taking the job that wearing a headscarf might pose problems for the companys customers.