Tom.Of.Finland skrev
Hoppas Bernie Sanders blir Democtar's presidentkandidat. Joe Bieden...usch!
Just nu verkar det vara en kamp om vem som kan fa fram mest pengar sa fort som mojligt.
Biden ringer donatorerna, han maste sla $6.1 miljoner forsta dagen:
"tell CBS News that Biden has started phoning potential donors this week who can help him raise millions of dollars, fast.
Part of Biden's challenge is that unlike Bernie Sanders, Beto O'Rourke or Kamala Harris, he's never had a vast national network of supporters willing to donate money online. So it's unclear if he will be able to raise big money on day one.
So far, the number Biden needs to beat is $6.1 million -- that's the amount O'Rourke raised in the first 24 hours of his presidential campaign. Sanders raised about $5.9 on day one."