Biden, Sanders Still Have Best Images Among Democrats
In February, Biden was viewed favorably by 56% of all U.S. adults, including 80% of Democrats and 32% of Republicans. These ratings slipped marginally in April and again in July, resulting in significant cumulative declines. As Biden has pushed back against criticisms of him from certain Democrats and has taken more direct aim at President Donald Trump, he is now viewed favorably by 42% of all adults, including 69% of Democrats and 20% of Republicans.
Sedan februari gick Biden favorables frn 56% till 42%.
Although Sanders and Biden both lead Trump in recent general election horse-race polls, Trump's favorable rating among Americans, 45%, is on par with theirs. All other Democrats' U.S. favorable ratings lag far behind, mainly a reflection of large segments of Americans being unable to rate them. (See tables linked above Survey Methods.)
Trump compares less favorably to Biden and Sanders when one takes their unfavorable scores into account. On that basis, Biden enjoys a net-positive image from Americans, and Sanders' rating is -2, while Trump's image is -7.
Juli 2019:
Kandidat..... fav/unfav
Trump.......... 45/52 (-7)
Biden........... 42/40 (+2)
Sanders........ 41/43 (-2)
Val 2016:
Kandidat......... fav/unfav
Trump ...... ........... 36/61 (-25)
Crooked Hillary.. 47/52 (-8)