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Jag klistrar inget alls utan beskriver tillgängliga fakta. Även JA-sidan själv med Melzer i spetsen är mycket noga med att beskriva tecken på att JA inte mår psykiskt bra, har du missat den delen? Kanske anser du att JA istället är psykiskt helt opåverkad av tiden på ambassaden och fängelset? Där har jag avvikande mening i så fall......
Jo, jag känner till Melzers uppfattning. Melzer gör ett tungt inlägg i frågan om Assanges psykiska hälsa idag. Positivt att du numera säger dig dela Melzers uppfattning, dvs att tvångsåtgärderna mot Assange utgjort en stark psykisk press som äventyrar hans psykiska hälsa. Jag citerar Melzer (mina fetningar):
Julian Assange has been intentionally psychologically tortured by Sweden, Britain, Ecuador and the U.S. First through the highly arbitrary handling of proceedings against him. The way Sweden pursued the case, with active assistance from Britain, was aimed at putting him under pressure and trapping him in the embassy. Sweden was never interested in finding the truth and helping these women, but in pushing Assange into a corner. It has been an abuse of judicial processes aimed at pushing a person into a position where he is unable to defend himself. On top of that come the surveillance measures, the insults, the indignities and the attacks by politicians from these countries, up to and including death threats.
This constant abuse of state power has triggered serious stress and anxiety in Assange and has resulted in measurable cognitive and neurological harm. I visited Assange in his cell in London in May 2019 together with two experienced, widely respected doctors who are specialized in the forensic and psychological examination of torture victims. The diagnosis arrived at by the two doctors was clear:
Julian Assange displays the typical symptoms of psychological torture. If he doesn’t receive protection soon, a rapid deterioration of his health is likely, and death could be one outcome."
Och Melzer tillhör inte "JA-sidan" som du påstår, utan är FN:s speciella rapportör kring tortyr. Oberoende sakkunnig.