Flashback bygger pepparkakshus!
2020-10-06, 01:40
Ursprungligen postat av Död o återfödd
Så de ca 200 miljoner hälsomedvetna människor som påbörjar dagen med ett stort glas sellerijuice på fastande mage (inspirerade av Anthony William), de får inga gynnsamma resultat av det?

För övrigt så slutade jag med socker, vete och mejeriprodukter för ett par månader sedan, men det är först nu när jag påbörjat selleri programmet som jag märker drastiska framsteg, precis som miljontals andra på denna platta jord!

Tvivlar inte på att Selleri har sina fördelar, men inte så som du vill påskina.
2020-10-06, 05:55
SvartaVargens avatar
Studier är oftast ren bullshit ändå. Mutor från läkemedelsindustrin.

Självklart finns allt vi behöver i naturen. Jag tror på detta ihop med mycket annat grönt mot sjukdomarna som nu bildas och som vi bli autoimmuna emot.
2020-10-06, 08:27
Död o återfödds avatar
Ursprungligen postat av SvartaVargen
Studier är oftast ren bullshit ändå. Mutor från läkemedelsindustrin.

Självklart finns allt vi behöver i naturen. Jag tror på detta ihop med mycket annat grönt mot sjukdomarna som nu bildas och som vi bli autoimmuna emot.


Den bästa studien är att testa själv, om det funkar. Dock måste man ge akt på att samtidigt som man avgiftar kroppen, se till att man inte samtidigt tillför kroppen gift, exempelvis att man undviker vara ute dagar som det chemtrailas, eftersom dessa giftiga trails ofta är spetsade med aluminium, barium, strontium, virus och skit, vilket också Medical Medium, Anthony William, varnar för, och här ger exempel på hur vi på bästa sätt skyddar oss mot dessa gifter, även i en podcast här i hans blogg:

Senast redigerad av Död o återfödd 2020-10-06 kl. 08:30.
2020-10-06, 17:07
Död o återfödds avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Helge.Palmcrantz
Nja, det där är nästan lika knasigt som TS tes. Det finns gott om icke-animalisk kost som både gynnar oss och som har ätits i hundratusentals år.

Att variera köttbiten med ett ägg, en näve nötter och en stor portion fiberrika grönsaker eller baljväxter är troligtvis det mest optimala vi kan stoppa i oss.

Medical Medium avråder oss bestämt från att äta ägg!

"Eggs: Eaters Lose All


In today’s world, eggs are considered a household staple. Unfortunately, eggs are no longer the incredible survival food they once were. Medical communities are unaware that over the years, eggs have become food for the dangerous pathogens, viruses, and bacteria in our bodies. If you’re struggling with any illness or symptom, such as Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, migraines, eczema, psoriasis, lupus, vertigo, eye floaters, acne, or brain fog, removing eggs from your diet will provide your body with the support it needs to heal.

Truth About Eggs

At the start of the 20th century, people in the medical industry began testing which foods were best to feed the viruses, bacteria, and pathogens growing in their labs. They began testing sugar, meat, fruits, and vegetables but none of them contributed to the growth of these pathogens. Eventually, these labs stumbled on one common food and found that not only was bacteria capable of surviving on this food, but it could reproduce and colonize rapidly.

Eggs Feed Pathogens

You might be thinking, what does this information have to do with me. The answer is – everything. The eggs you eat can feed the pathogens, viruses, and bacteria deep within your liver.These growing pathogens, viruses, and bacteria can create symptoms and conditions like heart palpitations, fatigue, weight gain, hot flashes, anxiety, acne, and more. So when you eat an egg, you could be gradually worsening your condition without realizing it.

How Pathogens Eat

Yes, these pathogens that cause chronic illness are alive and need to eat to survive. What is in an egg that bugs like to eat? Eggs contain protein, enzymes, and natural hormones. The proteins in an egg are not mature because they’re still in the development phase. For this reason, enzymes can attach to the protein in a unique process that only happens in an egg. This process makes it possible for the pathogen to easily absorb the proteins and enzymes through their membrane and use them for food.

Stagnant, Sluggish Liver

The liver is a campground for large variations of toxins, poisons, pathogens, and other antagonists and troublemakers. This is why it is important to cleanse your liver properly, like you can do with the 3:6:9 Cleanses in my book, Cleanse To Heal. On top of these poisons and pathogens in the liver, you have toxic heavy metals such as mercury, copper, aluminum, lead, nickel, cadmium, and arsenic. Over time, the pathogens and heavy metals feeding on eggs in your liver, proliferate and create a stagnant, sluggish liver.

Reproductive System Problems

Eggs are a favorite recommended food by doctors, for all women with reproductive system conditions. This leads to a reproductive nightmare for so many that are already struggling with their health. Medical research and science is unaware that the true cause of fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, PCOS, reproductive cancers, and breast density, is viruses such as Epstein-Barr. It’s best to avoid eggs if suffering from any of these conditions. Eggs also feed bacteria such as Streptococcus, which cause conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), UTIs, bladder infections, kidney infections, bacterial vaginosis (BV), boils, and thrush. Avoiding eggs can give women a fighting chance to move past these conditions, along with other powerful tools you can incorporate daily that contribute in this healing process.

Critical Tools For Healing

Along with trying to remove or minimize eggs from your diet, it is important to detox your liver of harmful pathogens, bacteria, and troublemakers. You can do so by bringing these Medical Medium tools into your life:

16 ounces celery juice
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
3:6:9 Cleanse
Other Topics Discussed in this Podcast Episode Include:

The importance of removing eggs if you struggle with Lyme, acne, endometriosis, PCOS, fibromyalgia, eczema, psoriasis, anxiety, IBS, and more
The hidden truth of how viruses and bacteria eat – the details – you need to know so you don’t get fooled
What is in an egg that viruses like to eat and what happens when eggs are in our bodies?
How you’re eating eggs in foods you don’t realize have eggs and they’re feeding pathogens in your body over time inside your body, setting the stage for your first symptom
Egg whites or home-raised chicken eggs – are those okay?
There is no real evidence eggs are the healthiest, most incredible food source.



"Humans have eaten eggs for thousands of years. They were once an amazing survival food for us to eat in areas of the planet where there were no other food options at certain times of year. That changed with the turn of the 20th century, though—when the autoimmune, viral, bacterial, and cancer epidemics began.

The average person eats over 350 eggs a year. That includes whole eggs and also all the foods with hidden egg ingredients. If you’re struggling with any illness, such as Lyme disease, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, or fibromyalgia, avoiding eggs can give your body the support it needs to get better. The biggest issue with eggs is that they’re a prime food for cancer and other cysts, fibroids, tumors, and nodules. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), breast cancer, or other cysts and tumors should avoid eggs altogether. Also, if you’re trying to prevent cancer, fight an existing cancer, or avoid a cancer relapse, steer clear.

Removing eggs from your diet completely will give you a powerful fighting chance to reverse disease and heal. Eggs also cause inflammation and allergies; feed viruses, bacteria, yeast, mold, Candida and other fungus; and trigger edema in the lymphatic system. People who are diagnosed with Candida or mycotoxins are often told that eggs are a good, safe protein that will starve the Candida and mycotoxins. Nothing could be further from the truth. I know how popular eggs are. There’s a growing trend that promotes them as a major health food. Plus they’re delicious and fun to eat. If eggs were good for us in the current day and age, though, I’d be promoting them as such."
2020-10-06, 18:28
Död o återfödds avatar
Ursprungligen postat av AusnahmeMensch
Menar du att William är vetenskaplig? Vilka studier har han utfört?

Här ger Medical Medium (Anthony William), dig svar på tal:


Senast redigerad av Död o återfödd 2020-10-06 kl. 18:47.
2020-10-06, 19:15
Helge.Palmcrantzs avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Död o återfödd
Medical Medium avråder oss bestämt från att äta ägg!

"Eggs: Eaters Lose All


In today’s world, eggs are considered a household staple. Unfortunately, eggs are no longer the incredible survival food they once were. Medical communities are unaware that over the years, eggs have become food for the dangerous pathogens, viruses, and bacteria in our bodies. If you’re struggling with any illness or symptom, such as Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, migraines, eczema, psoriasis, lupus, vertigo, eye floaters, acne, or brain fog, removing eggs from your diet will provide your body with the support it needs to heal.

Truth About Eggs

At the start of the 20th century, people in the medical industry began testing which foods were best to feed the viruses, bacteria, and pathogens growing in their labs. They began testing sugar, meat, fruits, and vegetables but none of them contributed to the growth of these pathogens. Eventually, these labs stumbled on one common food and found that not only was bacteria capable of surviving on this food, but it could reproduce and colonize rapidly.

Eggs Feed Pathogens

You might be thinking, what does this information have to do with me. The answer is – everything. The eggs you eat can feed the pathogens, viruses, and bacteria deep within your liver.These growing pathogens, viruses, and bacteria can create symptoms and conditions like heart palpitations, fatigue, weight gain, hot flashes, anxiety, acne, and more. So when you eat an egg, you could be gradually worsening your condition without realizing it.

How Pathogens Eat

Yes, these pathogens that cause chronic illness are alive and need to eat to survive. What is in an egg that bugs like to eat? Eggs contain protein, enzymes, and natural hormones. The proteins in an egg are not mature because they’re still in the development phase. For this reason, enzymes can attach to the protein in a unique process that only happens in an egg. This process makes it possible for the pathogen to easily absorb the proteins and enzymes through their membrane and use them for food.

Stagnant, Sluggish Liver

The liver is a campground for large variations of toxins, poisons, pathogens, and other antagonists and troublemakers. This is why it is important to cleanse your liver properly, like you can do with the 3:6:9 Cleanses in my book, Cleanse To Heal. On top of these poisons and pathogens in the liver, you have toxic heavy metals such as mercury, copper, aluminum, lead, nickel, cadmium, and arsenic. Over time, the pathogens and heavy metals feeding on eggs in your liver, proliferate and create a stagnant, sluggish liver.

Reproductive System Problems

Eggs are a favorite recommended food by doctors, for all women with reproductive system conditions. This leads to a reproductive nightmare for so many that are already struggling with their health. Medical research and science is unaware that the true cause of fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, PCOS, reproductive cancers, and breast density, is viruses such as Epstein-Barr. It’s best to avoid eggs if suffering from any of these conditions. Eggs also feed bacteria such as Streptococcus, which cause conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), UTIs, bladder infections, kidney infections, bacterial vaginosis (BV), boils, and thrush. Avoiding eggs can give women a fighting chance to move past these conditions, along with other powerful tools you can incorporate daily that contribute in this healing process.

Critical Tools For Healing

Along with trying to remove or minimize eggs from your diet, it is important to detox your liver of harmful pathogens, bacteria, and troublemakers. You can do so by bringing these Medical Medium tools into your life:

16 ounces celery juice
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
3:6:9 Cleanse
Other Topics Discussed in this Podcast Episode Include:

The importance of removing eggs if you struggle with Lyme, acne, endometriosis, PCOS, fibromyalgia, eczema, psoriasis, anxiety, IBS, and more
The hidden truth of how viruses and bacteria eat – the details – you need to know so you don’t get fooled
What is in an egg that viruses like to eat and what happens when eggs are in our bodies?
How you’re eating eggs in foods you don’t realize have eggs and they’re feeding pathogens in your body over time inside your body, setting the stage for your first symptom
Egg whites or home-raised chicken eggs – are those okay?
There is no real evidence eggs are the healthiest, most incredible food source.



"Humans have eaten eggs for thousands of years. They were once an amazing survival food for us to eat in areas of the planet where there were no other food options at certain times of year. That changed with the turn of the 20th century, though—when the autoimmune, viral, bacterial, and cancer epidemics began.

The average person eats over 350 eggs a year. That includes whole eggs and also all the foods with hidden egg ingredients. If you’re struggling with any illness, such as Lyme disease, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, or fibromyalgia, avoiding eggs can give your body the support it needs to get better. The biggest issue with eggs is that they’re a prime food for cancer and other cysts, fibroids, tumors, and nodules. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), breast cancer, or other cysts and tumors should avoid eggs altogether. Also, if you’re trying to prevent cancer, fight an existing cancer, or avoid a cancer relapse, steer clear.

Removing eggs from your diet completely will give you a powerful fighting chance to reverse disease and heal. Eggs also cause inflammation and allergies; feed viruses, bacteria, yeast, mold, Candida and other fungus; and trigger edema in the lymphatic system. People who are diagnosed with Candida or mycotoxins are often told that eggs are a good, safe protein that will starve the Candida and mycotoxins. Nothing could be further from the truth. I know how popular eggs are. There’s a growing trend that promotes them as a major health food. Plus they’re delicious and fun to eat. If eggs were good for us in the current day and age, though, I’d be promoting them as such."

Medical Medium Blog.


2020-10-06, 21:41
Död o återfödds avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Helge.Palmcrantz
Medical Medium Blog.


Stämmer, Helge!

Mycket intressant och givande blogg!

Han publicerar även fantastiskt goda och nyttiga matrecept:



Här kan man verkligen snacka om att förena nytta med nöje!
Senast redigerad av Död o återfödd 2020-10-06 kl. 21:47.
2020-10-06, 21:44
Helge.Palmcrantzs avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Död o återfödd
Stämmer, Helge!

Mycket intressant och givande blogg!

Gör dig själv en tjänst och sluta läsa nonsens. Lär dig lite verklig vetenskap.

Börja här: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
2020-10-07, 00:24
Död o återfödds avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Helge.Palmcrantz
Gör dig själv en tjänst och sluta läsa nonsens. Lär dig lite verklig vetenskap.

Börja här: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/

Din vetenskap är aldrig någon verklig vetenskap, den är relativ då den ständigt förändras, verklig vetenskap är absolut, absolut sanning.
2020-10-07, 00:53
Ursprungligen postat av utmarkslallaren
Är inte detta bara rätt och slätt en reklampost maskerat som ett inlägg? I allafall så gjorder Verner och Verner den här spaningen innan det var tufft. Och jag antar att även Selleri snart kommer gå till mirakelkurernas sälla jaktmarker dit gojibär och barkbröd redan vandrat, eftersom det på sin höjd är en helt okej grönsak och inte kan ersätta det som man mår bra av dvs fysisk aktivitet och allsidig kost.
Vem skulle stå bakom reklamen? Selleriodlarna eller ICA? Det finns inga pengar för någon annan att tjäna på inlägget.
2020-10-07, 10:21
utmarkslallarens avatar
Ursprungligen postat av MissBobby
Vem skulle stå bakom reklamen? Selleriodlarna eller ICA? Det finns inga pengar för någon annan att tjäna på inlägget.

Sant. Kanske finns det en kartell av selleriodlare som sponsrar TS? Sen vet man ju aldrig om TS har gått med ett pyramidspel och mjukstartar ett intresse för att sedan sälja in en specifik produkt. Typiskt influerar-beteende, om än inte på Instagram. Snart kommer vi se en ökad försäljning av berikat biodynamiskt selleripulver på Lifebutikerna.

Som du förstår så är detta bara lösa spekulationer, men det är ganska stark indiciekedja.
2020-10-07, 10:39
Ursprungligen postat av utmarkslallaren
Sant. Kanske finns det en kartell av selleriodlare som sponsrar TS? Sen vet man ju aldrig om TS har gått med ett pyramidspel och mjukstartar ett intresse för att sedan sälja in en specifik produkt. Typiskt influerar-beteende, om än inte på Instagram. Snart kommer vi se en ökad försäljning av berikat biodynamiskt selleripulver på Lifebutikerna.

Som du förstår så är detta bara lösa spekulationer, men det är ganska stark indiciekedja.
I det här fallet så finns det nog ingen som ligger bakom just sellerijuicen. Men han som ligger bakom det hela tjänar en bra slant på att kränga böcker. Den mesta informationen kan man dock få tag på gratis.

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