Ursprungligen postat av
Skulle du tycka det var ok om en 70-ring hll handen runt hften p din dotter eller ngon annan barnslkting p det stt Creepy Joe observeras gra i videon?
Ursprungligen postat av
Det finns ju ocks starka misstankar mot att han och Ivanka har ett incestist frhllande. Detta har han ju i praktiken sjlv tillsttt vid mnga tillfllen. Hr r bilder och texter, i 15 olika rubriceringar, dr Donald groomar sin egen dotter.
Ni som pratar om Creepy Joe, hr kommer "
Donald The Grooming-Dad";
1. Calling his daughter hot
2. Hed date her if she wasnt his daughter
3. Agreeing that Ivanka is a piece of ass
4. Discussing Ivankas voluptuous body
5. This Vanity Fair photoshoot
6. Sex is Trumps favorite thing they have in common
7. Ivanka referring to him as daddy
8. Objectifying Ivanka
9. If he wasnt married and her father
10. Things get weird on The Dr. Oz Show
11. A highly disturbing comment
12. He compared Stormy Daniels to Ivanka
13. He talked about her on the set of The Apprentice
14. Awkward body language
15. His second daughter doesnt get the same attention
Hr r dessutom ett videoklipp men nnu mer far och dotter situationer med incestis innehll.