Det var välformulerat. NWO verkar ta kontrollen nu. Det har kanske tvingats fram av Internet. Folk kan kommunicera mer och förstår mer så NWO känner sig hotat och försöker ta total kontroll. Samhället låses ned.Vad vill de åstadkomma?
They want to redefine what it means to be human and determine for you your role and your future of being; essentially a transhumanist cyborg integrated into this new control grid.
Vad är det som händer just nu mitt framför våra ögon?
Right now we are witnessing the controlled demolition of the current system of control - by design - in order to usher in this new transhumanist agenda, this new system of global governance, this new digitalized system of control where we will be unable to distinguish organic life from artificial. We won't even have access to our own thoughts - or we'll have access to them but we won't even be able to control our own thoughts and emotions because they're going to do that for us because we're going to be tied into their grid system.
Vilken skapad kris används som verktyg denna gång? Vilka ligger bakom? Kommer vi att ha något att säga till kring detta?
Global governance is at our doorstep, it's being rolled out under the justification of this covid 1984 crisis and at the end of the day we the people do not have a say in our future according to them, we don't even get a vote according to them. These technocrats are deciding the future of humanity for us right now and guess what? The future of humanity isn't human at all.
The Great Reset;
Följdfråga att reflektera kring; hur många gånger skall orkestern kunna spela samma slags illa klingande vals utan att de nyttiga idioterna tröttnar på att dansa med och applådera?
They want to redefine what it means to be human and determine for you your role and your future of being; essentially a transhumanist cyborg integrated into this new control grid.
Vad är det som händer just nu mitt framför våra ögon?
Right now we are witnessing the controlled demolition of the current system of control - by design - in order to usher in this new transhumanist agenda, this new system of global governance, this new digitalized system of control where we will be unable to distinguish organic life from artificial. We won't even have access to our own thoughts - or we'll have access to them but we won't even be able to control our own thoughts and emotions because they're going to do that for us because we're going to be tied into their grid system.
Vilken skapad kris används som verktyg denna gång? Vilka ligger bakom? Kommer vi att ha något att säga till kring detta?
Global governance is at our doorstep, it's being rolled out under the justification of this covid 1984 crisis and at the end of the day we the people do not have a say in our future according to them, we don't even get a vote according to them. These technocrats are deciding the future of humanity for us right now and guess what? The future of humanity isn't human at all.
The Great Reset;
Följdfråga att reflektera kring; hur många gånger skall orkestern kunna spela samma slags illa klingande vals utan att de nyttiga idioterna tröttnar på att dansa med och applådera?
Man inser mer och mer hur visionär Orwells 1984 var. Den skrevs redan 1949.