Ursprungligen postat av
Giant Squid
Twitters kloak till kommentarsfält är ungefär lika meningsfull som flashbacks.
Det kan man verkligen tycka men nu är det ett demokratiskt verktyg där folk kan uttrycka sina åsikter.
Och det finns mängder av indier som reagerat negativt på vår lilla Greta.
We will take care of our problems and find a solution, without your help and interference #FarmersProstests #GretaThunbergExposed #RihannaSoldOut
Former COO schools Greta for her bully tactics into political issues which she doesn’t understand. #GretaGoToSchool #GretaThunbergExposed #GretaToolkit
Shame on anyone that supported
Subverted Indians and Indian Americans should stand in front of the mirror and reflect on how easy it is to fool them.
How is Greta Thunberg doing these days? Embarrassed? Probably not. If Soros was paying me millions to lie to the world, I'd probably shrug the embarrassment off while flying in my poisonous private jet that my parents most likely used me for.
#GretaThunbergExposed #GretaThunberg
Greta should be blacklisted in all all world forums ,she is a paid professional protestor,& is dangerous weapon in the hands of anarchist ,anti nationalist, terrorists org.
Do the world call this protest? Do u really think that they r farmers? The place where they r doing its NATIONAL MONUMENT of India, same as capitol hill, USA. US shot down the protestors, WE DIDN'T. They r trying 2 run over the cops
Why aren’t we talking about this?
If you are against #CapitolRiots then below should also boil your blood, isn’t it???
#ToolKitExposed #GretaThunbergExposed
· Feb 5
Delhi Police are going to write to Google to get the IP address or the location from where the doc was made and uploaded on social media platform. This is being done to identify the authors of the toolkit which was shared on the Google Doc: Police sources
For heaven’s sake,
Ji, please don’t invite
who will be a spoiler, knows only to criticise without any positive suggestions. She will be a disaster. #GretaGoToSchool #GretaThunbergExposed #GretaLeaks #GretaThunbergtoolkit #IndiaWithModi #Modiji #Modi
Twitter &
must be held accountable for loss of Billions of Dollars for leading the the International #GretaThunbergExposed Propaganda & Terrorist Attack against the
& it's DEMOCRATIC roots. Twitter must not be let loose, it's a Rabid dog on biting spree.
Det är ju gulligt att du jämför med smålänningar men personligen tycker jag att det som händer är ganska obehagligt.
Flera indier har kallat Greta för rasist. Hur ska hennes nästa damage control se ut?