Biden försöker göra avbön och ”tar på sig” den hemska behandlingen som gränspolis utsatt haitier för som söker hjälp och asyl.
"Of course, I take responsibility. I'm president," he told reporters at the White House.
"I promise you those people will pay," he added of the agents. "It's simply not who we are."
Fast behandlingen speglar ju faktiskt exakt vilka USA faktiskt är eftersom de har en mycket lång historia av att behandla just haitiska flyktingar extra mycket illa:
Why America keeps turning its back on Haitian migrants
”The Biden administration is continuing a long history of exclusionary policy against Haitian asylum seekers.”
”Haitians have sought asylum at US borders for decades, but every presidential administration since the 1970s has treated Haitians differently than other migrant groups, rejecting asylum claims, holding them longer in detention, and making it harder for them to settle down in safety. In the early 1990s, for example, when the United States detained more than 12,000 Haitian refugees at Guantanamo indefinitely, Immigration and Naturalization Services denied the vast majority of them asylum. "
Se även youtube video som berättar mer om hur USA och Biden-administrationen egentligen behandlar dom:
(mycket bra kanal för övrigt, värd att spana in)