Det tror jag på om jag skulle se det själv. Så bra precision kan man nog inte uppnå utan att kalibrera in instrumenten ock haubitsen. Haubitsar är kortpipiga kanoner, och har därmed lite sämre precision än en kanon med pipa i full längd.
På 40 km skottvidd så betyder det att projektilen i genomsnitt färdas i nästan 60-70 km genom luftlagrena. Både lufttryck och fuktighet spelar roll för långa skottvidder.
I Italien så går det livat till tydligen, de "fredsälskande" antifascistiska vänsterpacifisterna har blivit våldsamma av sig och under dagen har ägnat sig åt att ha sönder socialkontor och affärsgator i Bologna, (Krig = Fred alltså, typiskt vänstern):
The violence of the pacifists
April 25, 2022 - 18:37
The verbal hatred against the Jewish Brigade in Milan, the raid of the social centers in Bologna, the insults to a girl with the American flag in Reggio Emilia: here is the violent April 25 of the anti-fascist pacifists
The ugliest image, among the many that this April 25 has given us, is certainly that of a girl of just eight years heavily insulted by a small group of "very brave" anti- fascists . They only raged against her because she was holding a stars-and-stripes flag in her little hands. The attack took place this afternoon in Reggio Emilia while the little girl was taking part, together with a delegation from + Europa and Italia Viva, in the city parade. Unfortunately, it was not the only episode of violence that charged with tension and hatred a celebration, that of the Liberation, which has always divided the country.
If in the past the clashes and divisions took place between the center-right and the left due to the embezzlement that the latter claimed to exercise on April 25, this year the hatred of the anti- fascists has spilled over to some more moderate and centrist fringes of the left. The episodes, in addition to the one already told of Reggio Emilia, were numerous. In Rome, Vauro 's verbal violence against the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella . In Milan the attacks (always verbal) on Enrico Letta "servant of NATO" and the harsh intimidation of the Jewish Brigade with chants in support of the Intifada. In Turin, the flags of NATO and the Democratic Party set on fire . In Bologna the raid of the usual social centers that have smeared and devastated the shop windows. Everywhere, then, a flood of banners and slogans that, in the name of a pseudo pacifism, have been used against those who are supporting the Ukrainian cause within the Draghi government by sending aid, including military ones.
April 25, 2022 - 18:37
The verbal hatred against the Jewish Brigade in Milan, the raid of the social centers in Bologna, the insults to a girl with the American flag in Reggio Emilia: here is the violent April 25 of the anti-fascist pacifists
The ugliest image, among the many that this April 25 has given us, is certainly that of a girl of just eight years heavily insulted by a small group of "very brave" anti- fascists . They only raged against her because she was holding a stars-and-stripes flag in her little hands. The attack took place this afternoon in Reggio Emilia while the little girl was taking part, together with a delegation from + Europa and Italia Viva, in the city parade. Unfortunately, it was not the only episode of violence that charged with tension and hatred a celebration, that of the Liberation, which has always divided the country.
If in the past the clashes and divisions took place between the center-right and the left due to the embezzlement that the latter claimed to exercise on April 25, this year the hatred of the anti- fascists has spilled over to some more moderate and centrist fringes of the left. The episodes, in addition to the one already told of Reggio Emilia, were numerous. In Rome, Vauro 's verbal violence against the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella . In Milan the attacks (always verbal) on Enrico Letta "servant of NATO" and the harsh intimidation of the Jewish Brigade with chants in support of the Intifada. In Turin, the flags of NATO and the Democratic Party set on fire . In Bologna the raid of the usual social centers that have smeared and devastated the shop windows. Everywhere, then, a flood of banners and slogans that, in the name of a pseudo pacifism, have been used against those who are supporting the Ukrainian cause within the Draghi government by sending aid, including military ones.
Denna våldsamma demonstration har sin upprinnelse att vänsteraktivisterna attackerade Italiens president Sergio Matarella och Enrico Letta bland annat för deras beviljande av vapenleveranser till Ukraina.
Och kallar dessa för NATO-kollaboratörer etc etc.
NATOs flagga och det italienska Demokratiska Partiets flagga brändes i staden Turin, Italien.
Turin är en av de städer i Italien där spänningarna är ganska stora eftersom många grupper av afrikanska migranter driver omkring utan mening eller mål.
Dessa galna demonstrationer kommer troligen att sprida sig i övriga Europa, tex framförallt Tyskland och Frankrike. Vänstern i Frankrike tycks ha tagit illa upp över att Le Pen förstärkte sina positioner även om Macron vann.