Kyiv Independent skriver om krigets konsekvenser för den ukrainska ekonomin. Betänk då att landet redan innan kriget hade en ekonomi som var på tredje världen-nivå (sämst i Europa) samt var plågat av bedrövlig korruption:
Russia’s war may halve Ukraine’s economy, increasing budget deficit by billions
As of late April, the Russian military has destroyed 30% of Ukraine’s infrastructure, causing $100 billion worth of damage.
Total losses to the economy, both direct and indirect, have already reached over $560 billion, according to the head of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s office, Andriy Yermak.
According to World Bank estimates, Ukraine’s economy will contract by 45% in 2022.
“This is already terrifying,” said Deputy Director at the Center for Economic Strategy Maria Repko. “This means that we no longer have a third of our economy.”
According to Ukraine’s State Statistics Service, inflation in Ukraine may quadruple to 15-20% by the end of the year.
The blocked ports of the Azov and Black seas killed maritime shipping and cut half of the country’s exports, as well as 90% of grain trade with foreign countries.
The Russian military destroyed or damaged many of the country’s 500 largest companies that accounted for 30% of the nation’s GDP.
As of mid-April, the total amount of destroyed assets reached $80 billion.
En professor i USA beräknar att en biljon dollar kommer att behövas för att bygga upp Ukraina igen:
Rebuilding ruined infrastructure and cities is among Ukraine’s top priorities.
In order to achieve this, the country will need up to $1 trillion, according to Alex Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy, Professor of Economics at the U.S. University of Lehigh.
He proposes to use Russian assets as collateral for reconstruction loans.