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Gifta män, gifta kvinnor lever kortare och är olyckligare än sina singelditos
De flesta mår dåligt av att vara ensamma. Många studier visar att män mår sämre utan relation eftersom många av dem delvis lever på kvinnans energi och hon håller igång familjens sociala liv.
Några källor i högen:
"Män är mer ensamma. Bengt Brülde pekar på att män ofta är dåliga på att vårda sociala nätverk. Det märks inte minst vid skilsmässa där mannen oftast mår sämst och blir mer ensam än kvinnan."
"Indeed, divorce is associated with worse physical and mental health more strongly for men than for women (Robards 2012). These negative health effects are not trivial, men are more likely than women to develop suicidality after a separation (Kolves 2010). Women may actually experience some health benefits from breaking up. For example, when stable heterosexual couples are asked to sleep apart (not sharing the same bed or sleeping space), women’s quality of sleep is improved whereas men’s quality of sleep is reduced (Dittami et al 2007).
Much of the negative effect of divorce on health may be explained by changes in lifestyle—such as tobacco and alcohol use (Hemminki and Li 2003). Wives encourage husbands’ healthy behavior (Reczek and Umberson 2012); without this positive influence, divorced men may rapidly fall into old, unhealthy habits. In addition, men may be more emotionally dependent on their romantic partners and have fewer alternative sources of support.
When asked who they would turn to first if they were feeling depressed, 71 percent of men selected their wives. whereas only 39 percent of women selected their husbands (author’s calculations from the General Social Survey, 1972-2012). Married women may maintain a more diverse network of emotional support than married men, and this non-spousal support is important during a separation.
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