To those of you following my comments on DNA in the mRNA vaccines.
1. The DNA is real, however the risk of this DNA is theoretical. There is no need to panic about past vaccination.
2. My comments were directed toward regulators and industry experts, they were not intended for the general public. The unanticipated wide distribution outside the intended target audience has caused unintended and totally inappropriate anxiety in the general public. Everyone calm down. Please.
3. I was very concerned at how my comments were being used by people fighting with each other and therefore temporarily silenced this account to keep some of you from throwing rocks at each other. Many thanks to those qualified experts who engaged critics and defending me during my absence.
4. Scientists and industry experts are constantly reviewing safety data. This is a normal process. With all the extra attention this issue has gotten last week I am pretty confident that future batches of mRNA vaccines will not have detectable DNA in it.
5. IMO, these vaccines saved a lot of lives. Far more than the number of people who have had medical events subsequent to vaccine. So overall, these vaccines were a win. However, those who experienced harm deserve to have scientists and regulators look carefully at possible causes. Even if the adverse events turn out to have nothing to do with the vaccine, these people deserve to be heard with dignity and respect and have their concerns investigated by competent and caring people.
6. Peace.
To those of you following my comments on DNA in the mRNA vaccines.
1. The DNA is real, however the risk of this DNA is theoretical. There is no need to panic about past vaccination.
2. My comments were directed toward regulators and industry experts, they were not intended for the general public. The unanticipated wide distribution outside the intended target audience has caused unintended and totally inappropriate anxiety in the general public. Everyone calm down. Please.
3. I was very concerned at how my comments were being used by people fighting with each other and therefore temporarily silenced this account to keep some of you from throwing rocks at each other. Many thanks to those qualified experts who engaged critics and defending me during my absence.
4. Scientists and industry experts are constantly reviewing safety data. This is a normal process. With all the extra attention this issue has gotten last week I am pretty confident that future batches of mRNA vaccines will not have detectable DNA in it.
5. IMO, these vaccines saved a lot of lives. Far more than the number of people who have had medical events subsequent to vaccine. So overall, these vaccines were a win. However, those who experienced harm deserve to have scientists and regulators look carefully at possible causes. Even if the adverse events turn out to have nothing to do with the vaccine, these people deserve to be heard with dignity and respect and have their concerns investigated by competent and caring people.
6. Peace.
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