Jag skulle inte ha några om helst svårigheter att samarbeta med alarmisten G. Hinton, eftersom han är en, realistisk, alarmist och jag försöker vara en, realistisk, optimist. I ett mycket intressant föredrag redogör han för sitt breda synsätt vad gäller förhållandet mellan människa och avancerat socialt AI, och de likheter som finns mellan den artificiella entiteten/existensen och existensen människan.
Ett översatt utdrag ifrån hans föredrag:
(ca 00:27:15–00:29:50)
"De flesta människor har en felaktig syn på vad sinnet är... Vi tror på en inre teater, men det är inte hur det fungerar. När vi pratar om subjektiva upplevelser handlar det om att beskriva vad vårt perceptionssystem säger att världen borde vara, för att det vi upplever ska stämma."
Samt några utdrag till:
(ca 00:30:14–00:31:52)
".. imagine you have a multimodal chatbot with a robot arm and it's been trained and it has a
camera and you put a prism in front of its lens and you put an object in front of it and say point at the object and it points over there instead of pointing straight in front of it it points to one side and you say no the object's not there it's actually straight in front of you but I put a prism in front of your lens and if the chatbot were to say um oh I see uh the object straight in front of me but I had the subjective experience that it was over there the chatbot will be using the term subjective experience in exactly the way we use them there's nothing missing for subjective experience in this chatbot... "
(ca 00:16.34–00:17:10)
" just the way human memory is and it's cuz when you remember something you don't get it out of some file storage somewhere you just make up something that sounds plausible given the context and of course if it's something you know a lot about the thing you made up that sounds plausible is probably true um if it's something you don't know much about or something that happened long ago you make up something that seems plausible to you given the connection strengths you have in your brain and a lot of it will be plausible but
false there is no line in human memory between making stuff up and remembering stuff remembering stuff is just making stuff up that works okay"
Men sedan får man inte glömma bort att G. Hinton, är, en alarmist, låt vara en realistisk sådan:
(ca 00:3610--00:36.30)
".. as soon as we let the systems act in the world um maybe it won't turn out like that there was something reported a couple of days ago where they got a bunch of chatbots to do International diplomacy and it ended up with one of the chatbots saying well I got nuclear weapons so why don't I use them..."
Jag rekommenderar att ni tittar igenom hela klippet.
Att diskutera:
Vad i G. Hintons breda synsätt över människan respektive avancerad social AI finner du mest intressant?
Överskattar han AI och underskattar människan?
Eller pekar han på något intressant vad gäller "hallucinationer", även när det kommer till människan?
Skulle såväl alarmister som skeptiker här på Flashback kunna tjäna på anlägga ett bredare synsätt gällande dagens LLM-Transformers?
Ett översatt utdrag ifrån hans föredrag:
(ca 00:27:15–00:29:50)
"De flesta människor har en felaktig syn på vad sinnet är... Vi tror på en inre teater, men det är inte hur det fungerar. När vi pratar om subjektiva upplevelser handlar det om att beskriva vad vårt perceptionssystem säger att världen borde vara, för att det vi upplever ska stämma."
Samt några utdrag till:
(ca 00:30:14–00:31:52)
".. imagine you have a multimodal chatbot with a robot arm and it's been trained and it has a
camera and you put a prism in front of its lens and you put an object in front of it and say point at the object and it points over there instead of pointing straight in front of it it points to one side and you say no the object's not there it's actually straight in front of you but I put a prism in front of your lens and if the chatbot were to say um oh I see uh the object straight in front of me but I had the subjective experience that it was over there the chatbot will be using the term subjective experience in exactly the way we use them there's nothing missing for subjective experience in this chatbot... "
(ca 00:16.34–00:17:10)
" just the way human memory is and it's cuz when you remember something you don't get it out of some file storage somewhere you just make up something that sounds plausible given the context and of course if it's something you know a lot about the thing you made up that sounds plausible is probably true um if it's something you don't know much about or something that happened long ago you make up something that seems plausible to you given the connection strengths you have in your brain and a lot of it will be plausible but
false there is no line in human memory between making stuff up and remembering stuff remembering stuff is just making stuff up that works okay"
Men sedan får man inte glömma bort att G. Hinton, är, en alarmist, låt vara en realistisk sådan:
(ca 00:3610--00:36.30)
".. as soon as we let the systems act in the world um maybe it won't turn out like that there was something reported a couple of days ago where they got a bunch of chatbots to do International diplomacy and it ended up with one of the chatbots saying well I got nuclear weapons so why don't I use them..."
Jag rekommenderar att ni tittar igenom hela klippet.
Att diskutera:
Vad i G. Hintons breda synsätt över människan respektive avancerad social AI finner du mest intressant?
Överskattar han AI och underskattar människan?
Eller pekar han på något intressant vad gäller "hallucinationer", även när det kommer till människan?
Skulle såväl alarmister som skeptiker här på Flashback kunna tjäna på anlägga ett bredare synsätt gällande dagens LLM-Transformers?
Senast redigerad av Ola Schubert Igår kl. 08:06.
Senast redigerad av Ola Schubert Igår kl. 08:06.