Den hr boken frtjnar mer n en amazon-lnk. Kpte den av Michael Gira p en Swans-konsert fr mnga r sedan, och fr den som r bekant med deras ngestladdade musik knns boken som en ren frlngning av sngtexterna. The Consumer r en samling av tabler som formligen dryper av hat och sjlvfrakt. Giras korthuggna prosa r som knivstick av isande blankt stl; de inte bara perforerar den goda smakens tunna hinna, utan fullstndigt raserar den. Det r stllt utom allt tvivel att Gira inte mdde srskilt bra nr detta skrevs runt 84-86. rligt talat, en del av dessa berttelser r bortom de Sade i sin kompromisslshet.
Sannerligen, "The Consumer" tycks vara ngonting i hstvg, problemet r att den r s frbannat dyr men vem med ngon uns av moral trycker upp ngot sdant sinnessjukt igen?
Jag skall inhandla ett exemplar detta till trots, och frossa i, vad jag frmodar r syskonincest, morbida drmliknande tillstnd och fruktansvrda kirurgiska ingrepp.
Peter Sotos vertrumfar nog allt som nmnts i trden, ven om mnga utskta luntor har tagits upp.
Om du vill Maldoror, din shapeshiftande maximalbrottsling, s kan jag skicka dig hans tv frsta fanzines som jag har inscannade. De r inte lika bra som de vriga titlar han hasplat ur sig, men kan fungera som diskussionsunderlag fr akademiska studier i genus och jmlikhet ur ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv.
Nej, jag skojar bara.
Edit: sg nu att Rakii redan tipsat om Sotos redan, om n i frbifarten.
Senast redigerad av hoerdududu 2010-01-07 kl. 22:10.
Om du vill Maldoror, din shapeshiftande maximalbrottsling, s kan jag skicka dig hans tv frsta fanzines som jag har inscannade. De r inte lika bra som de vriga titlar han hasplat ur sig, men kan fungera som diskussionsunderlag fr akademiska studier i genus och jmlikhet ur ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv.
Nej, jag skojar bara.
Pure br varje man (och kvinna) med sjlvrespekt fr kultur lsa ngon gng i livet!
Pure br varje man (och kvinna) med sjlvrespekt fr kultur lsa ngon gng i livet!
Ja, fast jag tycker att hans bcker r mycket, mycket bttre. Drar mig till minnes att Index innehller en sjukdoms- och undergngsmttad studie av den amerikanska gloryholescenen och dess frtappade utvare, samt ngon slags redogrelse ver lika sjukdomsdrabbade bajsporrfilmsprostituerades vandel - bland annat.
Ja, fast jag tycker att hans bcker r mycket, mycket bttre. Drar mig till minnes att Index innehller en sjukdoms- och undergngsmttad studie av den amerikanska gloryholescenen och dess frtappade utvare, samt ngon slags redogrelse ver lika sjukdomsdrabbade bajsporrfilmsprostituerades vandel - bland annat.
Verkar som en angenm bekantskap, cklet Peter Sotos. "Index" r tillflligt slut, och Bokus har s lnga vntetider, fast de hade i och fr sig mer titlar.
Skulle du kunna rekommendera mig det sjukaste verk som originerat frn hans ckliga hjrna, tack? "Index" knns aktuell, bertta grna om den.
Allt han skrivit r vl mer eller mindre sjukt. Angende Index s kommer jag fan inte ihg allt den tar upp, men det r frgan om ngon slags monologer i ess/repotagestil.
Har ven fr mig att jag sett nn fler text av honom online, d han i liknande monologstil reciterar ett brev till en mor, vars son han bgmrdat. Fiktion givetvis... men jag hittar fan inte den texten!
Allt han skrivit r vl mer eller mindre sjukt. Angende Index s kommer jag fan inte ihg allt den tar upp, men det r frgan om ngon slags monologer i ess/repotagestil.
Har ven fr mig att jag sett nn fler text av honom online, d han i liknande monologstil reciterar ett brev till en mor, vars son han bgmrdat. Fiktion givetvis... men jag hittar fan inte den texten!
Vid gud, vilken uppfriskande text!... Skrattar s jag fr ont. Riktigt psykopatiskt - du vet vad jag gillar, hoerdududu!
Vid gud, vilken uppfriskande text!... Skrattar s jag fr ont. Riktigt psykopatiskt - du vet vad jag gillar, hoerdududu!
Haha, ja, jag vet inte om jag tycker Sotos r speciellt rolig... det r vl just humor som saknas i hans texter. Dremot r han ju stil rakt igenom. Sjlv sger han att han inte har ngon fregngare, vilket kanske r verdrivet... men hans stil r iaf helt unik. Dremot gillar jag inte hans musik ngot vidare haha.
Maldorors snger r f.. en av mina absoluta favoritbcker ngonsin!
Edit: Du kanske ska kolla upp Poeten Gottfried Benn och hans frstlingsverk Morgue... rakt igenom patologisk poesi, inte drmsk som Heym...utan ur en knckt, mnniskofraktande lkares perspektiv. Det bsta han skrivit r dock de dr jvla breven han skrev till, vad hette han nu igen... Herr Ols, eller nt i den stilen. Han skrev dem under tiden han belagts med publiceringsfrbud av nazisterna, trots att han sjlv var nazist haha... han var det ett tag iaf. Polare med Ernst "Allvaret" Jnger, och lite skeptisk mot Nietzsche eftersom Fritz inte gillade brs!
Edit2: du lr ven gilla James Havoc... har en novell hr till dig!
Dogstar Pact.
Those with soft leather skin and fur entrails have little need of clothing.
In orgasm, Philbin envisaged metamorphosis as a mosaic of spasm, whose leitmotif was an inverted, slit cross of rancid meat. This system of mutant flesh was dominated by a white sun-face shooting bloody rays, dissolving as he ebbed into cataleptic sleep. These visions had begun with his wifes pregnancy.
As the months progressed, she could no longer tolerate sexual intercourse. Philbin expended his energies on the land. One evening, his raven-blue mastiff, Sodom, returned home from harvest with a dead dwarf clamped in its jaws. The pray was badly mutilated, neck bitten right through the bone. Philbin was fascinated by the slick, glistering vertebrae on show; he cut out three of them, and carved them into dice. From the top of the dwarfs deformed oval skull he hewed a cup, and wiled away the long summer night by casting his new tarot-cubes against the shithouse door.
On the eve of his daughters birth, a whirlwind flared in the darkling haze of the North, inaugurating vertiginous insurrections against Nature. A netherworld pageant unfolded in rapid time. Mandragora sprouted from an unmarked grave; bees with human faces sprinkled pollen over the head of the slumbering Sodom. The dog collapsed into a violent, unstoppable bout of sneezing, its whole body convulsing, and died with dark blood foaming from its snout and penis. These tarns captured the image of the setting sun; in overwrought crepuscular arcades, cannibal scarecrows clashed. Ghost-drums hammered in the bleak cornfields. No matter how many times Philbin cast his dice, they turned up triple six.
A screaming breaks the spell; screaming that endures while Philbin runs across neverending fields to the farmhouse. It ceases, finally, just as he vaults the porch. Wading through stacks of new green corn, manure-sacks and dog-chewed harebones, he bursts into the gloom of his wifes bedroom.
There is something wrong here. This should be a shrine of new life. A bright, joyous place.
It says so in the Bible.
But it is dark. So dark, and quiet. And it reeks not of life, but of death; something like an abattoir. There is even a carcass. A carcass that looks, in the wan light, ridiculously like his wife. Halved, lenghtwise, from within.
Halting sharply, Philbin skids on her cooling innards; falling flat at the feet of his newly-born child.
She stands at least a yard tall on the bed, with black hair clotted in afterbirth down to her knees, the opaque eyes of a shark, and shining, coral-white skin. A lenght of steaming spinal cord is looped over one shoulder like a lariat. She is kneading her dead mothers dugs with both fists, gulping down the curdled cheese that comes squirting forth. In the flickering lamplight, her pelvis throws a canine shade. Between her open legs, glowering mutely scarlet, the cruciform vagina of the Beast.
Horrorstruck, Philbin is aware only of a swelling, drum-beat without; then, the revving of chainsaws in the old barn, and a rising high-pitched babble. With a feral grimage, Coral-White springs past him and is gone. Slipping in his wifes intestines, Philbin skates over to the window in time to see her vanish into the corn, flanked by a group of tiny, twisted saw-bearers.
The world did not turn. Philbin sat on his porch, staring at the negative sky, for months. Or was it years? He could not tell, nor did he care. The mists of Time were fermenting, slowly, in his occluded soul. Still silence. Not a sound, save for the ceaseless clicking of the dice in his fist. No birds sang, not a single leaf grew on the tortured trees. The bleached, infertile soil was nothing more than a sarcophagus for the sun.
Finally, noise. The snapping of the brittle grey corps. Then the low sputter of motors ticking over, and gentle but off-key singing. The first deformed heads, swathed in nauseous ricks of hair, emerged from the fields. More followed, and on there shoulders Philbin could see borne a huge, symmetrical cross. Lashed tightly to its beams, a naked, pale-skinned girl with jet-black tresses.
Older. Much taller. And unmistakeably, human. Philbin could see that her eyes, imploring him to reclaim her, were wide and limpid blue: her mothers eyes. He scanned the body. Althrough dark fur now covered her pubic region, it could not conceal the straight groove of her sex. Little caring by whatever magicks the stunted kidnappers had lifted her curse, he arose joyously to greet her. The pocession ground to halt.
A club-footed, chanting freak hobbled to the fore. The dwarfen king, nude save for a leather belt with pouches, his mad body all humpty and buttered with stumps, his scalp ejaculating wild ringlets of enbalmed crabs. In his left hand, an oak wand. He flourished it once. The arid earth at his feet cracked open, grinning, and spat back the bones of old Sodom. They spun aloft, then formed a pentagram around him as they settled. His right hand beckoned Philbin into the arena, then fished around the largest belt-pouch. There, nestling in his hairy palm, a trinity of dice honed from a widows backbone. Philbin at once understood the trolls intent. They were to play for possession of poor Coral-Whites soul.
For hours they fling their bones, the winning a losing going back and forth. Dwarfs surround them, jeering and firing up their chainsaws when the king prevails, plunging into silent menace if Philbin regains the lead. The moon reaches its zenith; they stand even at the final throw. The dwarfen king casually flicks his wrists. The dice roll forth, and his minions erupt in a frenzy of guttural cheering, saw-blaes zig-zagging through the smoky night air. Seventeen. Philbin needs the maximum score to win, and it has yet eluded him.
Jiggling the dice in his skull-cup, he tries to imagine the certitude of insects. They way the wolverine sniff out gristle. The magnetism of cobras, the unerring swoop of blood-drinking bats. He becomes entranced. The tarot-cubes launch themselves of their own volition.
Six. Six. And triple six.
Without ado, the dwarfen king rises to his feet, shrugging his buckled shoulders, turns and limps away into the corn that begat him. Glumly, his entourage follows suit.
Philbin is roused by a pathetic whining. He rushes over to Coral-White, ripping away the braided reeds that bind her to the cross. For an instant, he sees his anamorphic reflection in two soulless, shark-black mirrors, before the talons of the Beast tear off his face.
His winning dice twinkle, once, in the moonlight.
En liten favorit!
Senast redigerad av hoerdududu 2010-01-08 kl. 19:13.
Har sjlv svrt fr industrial, noise dremot gillar jag skarpt. Jag fann hans psykopatologiska retorik synnerligen komisk; och jag blev liksom lycklig p ett frgiftat plan. Jag ska ta del av upplsningen nu.
Heym's "Obduktionen" r en fantastisk text, om det r den du syftar p? "Den vansinnige" r en av de mest underbara noveller jag lst; man fr sdan fin inblick i en djupt strd mnniskas resonerande och handlande. Jag mr grymt bra p den novellen, har nog lst den ett tiotal gnger.
Och du antyder att Benn skriver nnu bttre! Patologisk poesi... det borgar verkligen fr stora njutningar.
Den dr novellen var verkligen grotesk. Jag vet inte om jag gillar den fullt ut - men den var verkligen grotesk, och frtjnar uppmrksamhet endast av det sklet.
"Maldorors snger" r givetvis min frmsta passion hr i livet, och har varit s sedan mitten av tonren.
Lste den dr texten som var online som postades nyss. Mste sga att jag inte riktigt sg njet i det. Visst r det lite intressant att lsa texter som tjer lite p grnserna, men det var liksom inte ngon knsla av obehag direkt. Tycker snarare att det var lite klich p sina stllen.
Tugga p rakblad? Pratet om flickans mamma?
Kanske beror p att jag r lite avtrubbad av alla skrckfilmer jag sett.. Trodde att jag skulle uppskatta texten mer n jag gjorde, men ni fr nog ha de dr bckerna fr er sjlva. Enjoy i alla fall!
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