Det här har jag nosat på förut men det kan vara nyckeln. Iran-Contras borde kanske heta Iran-Rysk/Israelisk maffia istället.
"> Between 1983-7 Elkana Gali, Motti Hod, Raffi ("hamasriakh", the Stinker)
> Eitan (of the Leke"m) and other military and intelligence figures worked
> together with me (Shmuel "Sam" Vaknin, brother of Sima Gil-Vaknin, Israeli
> military censor) on a "mivtsa" (operation) so secret that only Eizer
> Weitzman and Shimon Peres (and his businessman brother) knew about.
> In 1985-7 Gali, myself, Al Schwimmer, Marcus Katz, Efraim Ilin, and Ya'akov
> Nimrodi (all of them protagonists in the Iran-Contra affair) leased (from
> another ex-Mossad agent) a house in 34 Connaught Square in London. They
> hired the services of Bernard Garbacz (Landau-Morley), an accountant, to
> set up for them an offshore (Isle of Man) corporation named IPE.
> As a cover story, we collaborated with KGB agent Shabtai Kalmanovich (Liat
> ltd.)"
According to the media, later Kalmanovich started an extremely profitable gun and diamond trade business in South Africa and Sierra Leone.*