2010-11-14, 13:36
BePatients avatar
Jag undrade om det finns projekt, sannolikt p Internet d, som dokumenterar antika exemplar, frstautgvor, etc, av texter -- saker man annars bara hittar p museum. Till exempel skulle man vilja kunna titta p fotografier/videofilmat material av Ddhavsrullarna och, om man kan hebreiska, jmfra med sin bibel. Nu gller det naturligtvis inte bara religisa texter, utan allt! Odyssen, Romeo och Julia, eller varfr inte I-Ching?

2011-06-01, 12:59
BradDourifs avatar
Finns en del tips hr, dr bland annat World Digital Library finns med.
2011-06-01, 17:13
saftad_burks avatar
"Welcome to the largest freely available archive of online books about religion, mythology, folklore and the esoteric on the Internet. The site is dedicated to religious tolerance and scholarship, and has the largest readership of any similar site on the web."

2011-06-02, 05:48
BePatients avatar
Ursprungligen postat av saftad_burk
"Welcome to the largest freely available archive of online books about religion, mythology, folklore and the esoteric on the Internet. The site is dedicated to religious tolerance and scholarship, and has the largest readership of any similar site on the web."

Fast det verkar inte ha nt med mnet att gra. Det jag r ute efter r allts bilder p antika original, inte bara sjlva texten.
2011-06-02, 06:51
saftad_burks avatar
Ursprungligen postat av BePatient
Fast det verkar inte ha nt med mnet att gra. Det jag r ute efter r allts bilder p antika original, inte bara sjlva texten.
Jag som hade ftt fr mig att de lagt upp en massa faksimilutgvor dr. Men s var det allts inte.

Hittade dock ngra sidor som kanske passar bttre:


I will collect here weblinks to online facsimiles of complete and partial manuscripts -- mostly of Middle English texts, but I will include some French and Latin manuscripts as well. This page is being continually added to, as I come across more manuscripts.


The holdings and accessible manuscripts of the Center include:
More than 900 New Testament manuscripts in digital, facsimile, edition, or microfilm forms,
Access through collaborative agreements and loans to nearly 1,000 additional manuscripts in microfilm form,
A resident reference library in the area of New Testament textual studies from the NOBTS John T. Christian Library,

As funding allows and based upon the needs in the field, the Center works to increase access to New Testament manuscript data through the filming of manuscripts as well as on-site collations of manuscripts in settings not open to filming.

Ett tips fr vidare googling r att testa med "digtal facsimile 'insert valfri titel'" och se om det dyker upp ngonting.
2011-10-14, 22:35
BePatients avatar
P tal om, s sttte jag just p Codex Gigas. Finns i Stockholm!
2011-10-15, 03:11
Zwerchstands avatar
The Digital Dead Sea Scrolls
2011-10-16, 13:10
alters avatar
Grekiska originalurkunder (papyrer och medeltida handskrifter):


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