2011-01-07, 22:32
sarrasarra12s avatar
Vet inte om detta hr hemma hr eller p data avdelningen men jag lste detta meddelandet p ett foliehatts forum, ngra minuter senare var meddelandet borta och jag har inte sett det igen:

"Who can crack dis shit, supposed 2 b sum kinda message hidden inside da picture on da webpage bout wut happene to da fish, birds and other shit, god and stuff, like sum kinda message from aliens or angels, dunno whats true read it sumwhere else but shit gone. password for da pic is zazsalma zazalma Some1 said part of da text was

We have feelings, just like you, they are just different from your feelings sometimes, due to our superior intellect. Where you do not get the big picture, we do.
If you knew you would live for 500 years and did not need to worry about money, would your view on things be different in comparison to your view on things today? We are sure it would be. How about if you knew you would live for 50 000 years, or 5 million years? We assure you that your view on things would indeed be different.
You do not use your entire DNAs resources like we do and you do not use all of the capacity your brain was intended to use. You get sick, we do not. We eat and drink though, just like you. However we eat and drink different things in comparison to you humans.Over the next few months you will witness events that, if you try and use the brain capacity that you have, can be understood even by you humans. Do you think it is normal for fish and birds to fall down from the sky? It will happen a lot in the near future, mass death of birds, fish, chickens, other animals too, strange objects in the sky (strange to you anyways), earthquakes indeed, the collapse of the U.S. dollar, the fall of E.U and with China as the new leader of the world. North Korea will be involved in a great, but short war, which will change history forever. But what you need to look out for are the signs in the sky and in the waters, as well as on land. Things you never dreamt could happen will happen all the time.

who can confirm dis true or bs?".

Lter ju spnnande. Gillar konspirationsteorier. Kan detta vara sant eller r det ett nytt "the agent" spratt mnne? Jag sparade bilden p datorn men kan inte "ppna den", ser bara ut som en vanlig bild. Var skriver man in lsenordet?
Lnken r http://zazsalma.webs.com/
2011-01-07, 22:45
100gs avatar
Teorin i den sista biten r ju den mnga har om vad som kommer hnda 2012, ven det hr med usa och europas frfall, och uppgngen fr Kina.

Mest troligt r det bara ngon som tycker det r kul att jvlas lite med folk.
2011-01-07, 23:28
sarrasarra12s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av 100g
Teorin i den sista biten r ju den mnga har om vad som kommer hnda 2012, ven det hr med usa och europas frfall, och uppgngen fr Kina.

Mest troligt r det bara ngon som tycker det r kul att jvlas lite med folk.

Frmodligen. Laddade ned ett program som heter Bitcrypt och provade lsenordet men det enda som kommer upp r en massa ettor och nollor, hundratusentals siffror.
Gr det att "lsa" dessa siffror p ngot stt"? Ngon som vet vad som hnde med de andra bilderna p sajten, de verkar borttagna nu? Sparade bara en av dem eftersom jag trodde att dom skulle finnas kvar. I den fanns det ett mindre antal siffror, jag klistrar in dessa hr:

01011001011011110111010100100000011000010111001001 10010100100000011011100110111101110100011010000110 10010110111001100111001000000110001001110101011101 00001000000110000100100000011101100110010101110010 01111001001000000110000101100100011101100110000101 10111001100011011001010110010000100000011100110110 11110110011001110100011101110110000101110010011001 01001000000111011101101001011101000110100000100000 01100001011011100010000001100001011001000110010001 10100101110100011010010110111101101110011000010110 11000010110000100000011100110111000001100101011000 11011010010110000101101100001011000010000001101001 01101110011001110111001001100101011001000110100101 10010101101110011101000010000001110100011010000110 00010111010000100000011001110110000101110110011001 01001000000111100101101111011101010010000001110111 01101000011000010111010000100000011110010110111101 11010100100000011100000110010101101111011100000110 11000110010100100000011000110110000101101100011011 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Ngon som vet vad dom betyder? Betyder dom ens ngot? Hoppas ngon kan kncka detta tills dess att jag kommer hem, skert skitenkelt fr ni som kan det. Dax att dra ivg ut nu. Heja FB!
2011-01-07, 23:59
sarrasarra12s avatar
Var en annan hr p FB som redan knckte det. Lite antiklimax p meddelandet. Hade hoppats p nt spnnande. Hoppas de andra bilderna har intressantare innehll
2011-01-08, 01:03
Funderarmusens avatar
Haha, spooky!

Du talade om ett forum i den andra trden, internetadressen du har lagt ut i trdstarten innehller inget forum svitt jag ser det, vad menade du med forum?

Har du dom andra bilderna eller hade du bara en bild?
2011-01-08, 01:43
Cybertrons avatar
Koden ovan (ettorna och nollorna) blir versatt till det hr:

You are nothing but a very advanced software with an additional, special, ingredient that gave you what you people call soul. A computer software is made up of zeros and ones. You humans are made up by code too, DNA. Instead of zeros and ones you have four letters that can be combined in zillions of different ways. Just like your God altered most of your DNA and made it worthless so that you can not heal yourself and live for millions of years like us, he also altered your brain so that you simply cannot understand things the way we can. We made you but your God changed you. Do not forget this. It is important.
2011-01-08, 08:14
sarrasarra12s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Funderarmusen
Haha, spooky!

Du talade om ett forum i den andra trden, internetadressen du har lagt ut i trdstarten innehller inget forum svitt jag ser det, vad menade du med forum?

Har du dom andra bilderna eller hade du bara en bild?

Forumet r borta och de andra bilderna ocks. Har ngon laddat ned dem?
Har bara en bild till allts och i den finns en hur lng kod som helst (den med eld och ett ansikte i den). Uppenbarligen verkar ni inte ha ngra problem att kncka siffrorna s vore sjysst om nn kunde lgga ut "svaret" hr. Provade att posta siffrorna hr men d stod det att meddelande var fr KORT (skall vl vara fr lngt?)
2011-01-08, 13:59
Martyrs avatar
Fattar inte riktigt, vad r det hr fr forum och vem skriver de hr meddelandena?
2011-01-08, 14:54
Fire-s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Martyr
Fattar inte riktigt, vad r det hr fr forum och vem skriver de hr meddelandena?

Som jag frstr det verkar det vara meddelande "imbedded" i bilder p ngot forum/hemsida...
eller snarare som fanns dr innan som sen blev borttagna...

men intressant lter det... om ngon vet mer posta!
2011-01-09, 08:15
sarrasarra12s avatar
tack fr PM
versttning frn frsta bilden skall tydligen vara:

We understand that most of you will not believe anything we say. That is OK. We care about the true believers out there, those of you that FEEL something is about to happen. You feel the way you do because you have been selected, even before you were born. You will not understand that part so we will not bother explaining it to you. For what have you been selected you ask? Something very important, we answer. It does not matter what it is, just yet. It will become clear to you as time goes on. If you knew anything about DNA you would understand what we mean. Scientists of today think they understand the true nature of DNA. They do not.
Look at the world, nature, people, animals, plants. Look around. Does anything seem to be there by pure coincidence? It is not there by coincidence. YOU would be exactly like us if you would not have had your DNA altered by the one you know as your God. He genetically changed almost all your DNA, which is why you can never figure certain things out, no matter how hard you try. Just like a dog can never understand what you mean if you ask him to buy food for you and bring home the exact change. He can TRY, or he can wave his tail in an attempt to PLEASE you, his master. But he can never buy you food and bring back the exact change since he simply cannot understand what you mean or what you want him to do. He is a dog and has a dogs brain. We do not wish to insult you at all, but we want to be honest with you.
There are those of you out there who wonder if the Bible is true and if there truly is a God. The answer is, the bible is partially true but there is no God, at least not as you think of a God.
The Bible, that is so precious to you people, actually refers to many Gods. Only the first few books of the Bible include several different Gods, yet the Bible talks about ONE God. What is true in the Bible though is that, yes, indeed a great number of what you refer to as angels did revolt against the highest commander since they believed him to be unfair and selfish, a person hiding the truth from the people he wanted to use for his own purposes. We are those angels that sided against your God. Are you laughing right now? Would you have laughed at the idea of dinosaurs too if no skeletons had been found that proofed they existed? We are sure you would have.
Your Bible does not speak much of when we sided up against him. Some people say we went down to earth because of the women on earth. That is not entirely true. We were already on earth but yes we did find the human women attractive, much more than our own women, but we wanted not only to engage with them, but to HELP them.
It is complicated to describe to you what really happened but about 30% of us had already decided not to be a part of the plan your God had in mind. Some of our own people created YOU, the humans. It was not your God who did this. He just gave the orders for you humans to be created. Actually, more than half of us wanted to part from him but dared not to, for your God is indeed a very mighty person, that much is indeed true. So is our leader though. Our leader is also younger than your God and was not the commander at that time, your God was, so it was a difficult choice for those deciding to leave your God as you call him, and an even tougher decision for those who wanted to part from him but did not dare to.
We look exactly like you do. A bit taller, not small like is shown on your TV channels. We are much more intelligent than you are and we do not get sick like you do. We live a very long life, so long actually that you would not understand it if we would explain it to you, but we will try. Look at an ant. It does not live long compared to you. But if the ant could observe you and talk with other ants it would say YOU live forever since they have always seen you around, and so did the ants fathers father. To an ant, you live forever. It is the same with us. You think we live forever, but we do not. But we live for millions and millions of years.
We have feelings, just like you, they are just different from your feelings sometimes, due to our superior intellect. Where you do not get the big picture, we do.
If you knew you would live for 500 years and did not need to worry about money, would your view on things be different in comparison to your view on things today? We are sure it would be. How about if you knew you would live for 50 000 years, or 5 million years? We assure you that your view on things would indeed be different.
You do not use your entire DNAs resources like we do and you do not use all of the capacity your brain was intended to use. You get sick, we do not. We eat and drink though, just like you. However we eat and drink different things in comparison to you humans.

Over the last 20 years, and most certainly the past 10 years, you have heard rumors about wars, earthquakes, religious happenings, return of who you refer to as Jesus Christ, 2012, and many other things. The truth is to be revealed to you, right here right now.
Like we initially stated, we understand that most of you will not believe anything we say. That is OK. We care about the true believers out there, those of you that FEEL something is about to happen.
Over the next few months you will witness events that, if you try and use the brain capacity that you have, can be understood even by you humans. Do you think it is normal for fish and birds to fall down from the sky? It will happen a lot in the near future, mass death of birds, fish, chickens, other animals too, strange objects in the sky (strange to you anyways), earthquakes indeed, the collapse of the U.S. dollar, the fall of E.U and with China as the new leader of the world. North Korea will be involved in a great, but short war, which will change history forever. But what you need to look out for are the signs in the sky and in the waters, as well as on land. Things you never dreamt could happen will happen all the time. Do not believe what they will tell you on TV or elsewhere. It is NOT caused by natural events. It is the one you refer to as your God causing it so that people will turn to him. It is a mistake to turn to him. He is not as merciful as you think he is.
You have faith, but it is nothing but blind and foolish hope. He does not care about ANYONE, we assure you.
We have killed not more than around 100 humans all in all throughout history but your God is personally responsible for killing millions. Read your precious Bible again and you will POSSIBLY understand. You think your God is almighty? He is not. He is limited to the machines and technique we are limited by too. Once again, read your Bible carefully and you will understand it, or maybe not.
When the time is right, you will understand what to do and why. For now, look out for unusual signs on earth, signs in the sky, water and land, political events and so on. You will POSSIBLY understand that going to your churches will not help you. The Vatican and the pope cannot help you. They are nothing. They have access to books you never knew existed. Why do they not share these books with you?
They have more than enough money to help the poor people on earth but they choose to keep the money to themselves. Why do they do that? Do not worry, planet earth as you know it will still exist 2012, and 2013.
There will however be a fight soon between your God as you know him and us. When will that fight take place? We do not know, just as you people do not know if or when the country North Korea will attack other countries, but you know that sooner or later a war will take place where North Korea is involved. We are sure you understand this. Your God is a little bit like the leader of North Korea, you do not know what he is up to, but he has promised to launch an attack on us a (in your eyes, according to your time) long time ago. We do not count days the way you people do, bear in mind.
When that attack takes place, the earth will shake. Your leaders will save themselves. How do we know? We know what you do not know. If you do not wish to believe us, it is OK with us. What YOU have to do is be prepared. It will not happen now, but this is the true beginning of the end, or as we see it, the beginning of a new era. When the war happens, we know that many more than 30% of your Gods people in the universe will join us in the fight against him.
You can pass this message on, if you want to, you can read more about human DNA, and especially what you humans refer to as junk DNA if you want to. Look carefully at upcoming events and signs in the sky, waters and land, if you want to. That is all we ask from you. When the time is right, we will tell you more. For now, go outside and look at the stars for 10 minutes. You WILL feel an inner peace and a true desire to be with us if you are one of the selected ones. Why? It is difficult to explain but let us just say that it is because of how your DNA is programmed.
Fear not. You will be fine, if you believe you will be fine.
2011-01-09, 08:19
sarrasarra12s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Martyr
Fattar inte riktigt, vad r det hr fr forum och vem skriver de hr meddelandena?

bra frga. forumet plus alla bilder e borttagna. inuti bilderna fanns ett meddelande som man kunde ta fram med viss software. nr man gjort det fick man fram ett meddelande som var kodat i ettot och nollor 10101010 typ, som sedan skulle konverteras ver till engelska och d kom ett par ganska lnga text meddelanden fram.
lnken r i a f http://zazsalma.webs.com/ men forumet och bilderna r allts borta.
2011-01-09, 23:05
Martyrs avatar
Ursprungligen postat av sarrasarra12
bra frga. forumet plus alla bilder e borttagna. inuti bilderna fanns ett meddelande som man kunde ta fram med viss software. nr man gjort det fick man fram ett meddelande som var kodat i ettot och nollor 10101010 typ, som sedan skulle konverteras ver till engelska och d kom ett par ganska lnga text meddelanden fram.
lnken r i a f http://zazsalma.webs.com/ men forumet och bilderna r allts borta.

Ja men d kan det ju vara vilken idiot som helst som lagt upp bilderna och skrivit texten. Varfr r detta instressant nu igen?

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