2012-06-21, 12:18
Ursprungligen postat av Bogomil
Intressant. Ge mig gärne lite underlag, så följar jag det upp i morgon.
Här har du några citat ifrån hemsidor:
Required observances, dietary restrictions: Mandeans follow purity laws similar to those in Judaism. Men are required to wear white turbans.
Read more: http://www.meta-religion.com/W…..z1yQJ9PlaX
In fact, Mandeans are neither Christian nor Muslim nor Jewish, but their faith bears some similarities to each. Their holy book, the Ginza Raba, includes some of the same books as the Old Testament, including the book of Genesis, and they look to Adam as their first messenger. They regard Jesus as a false messiah. "Christianity was changed to make it more simple," says Sheik Majid Abdullah, another top church leader. "We stayed like the roots on the trees."
As in Christianity, Sunday is their holy day. But some of the Mandeans' practices are more akin to those of Judaism. Mandeans can eat only fish with scales, for example, and they must also perform ritual fasting 36 different days of the year. As in Islam, divorce and drinking alcohol are forbidden. In Iraq, Mandeans have adopted many Muslim cultural practices to better blend in, even adopting Arabic names instead of using their religiously rooted names in the ancient Mandean language.
There are several indications on the ultimate origin of the Mandaeans. Early religious concepts and terminologies recur in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Jordan have been the name of every baptismal water in Mandaeism.[9] This connection with early baptismal sects in the eastern Jordan region and the elements of Western Syrian in the Mandaean language attests to their western origin.[9] The ultimate Jewish origin of the Mandaeans cannot be denied, despite the vehement polemics against the Jews in Mandaean literature, in which Moses is a false prophet and the Adonai (one of the names of G-d) is an evil God.[10] There are fewer indications on a relation between early Christians and Mandaeans, which make the connection more problematic. Some scholars, including Kurt Rudolph connect the early Mandaeans with the Jewish Christian sect of the Nasoraeans.[10]
The emigration of early Mandaeans from the Jordan Valley took place the latest at the second century CE due to pressure from orthodox Jews.[9] The migrants first went to Harran in upper Mesopotamia and entered the southern provinces of Mesopotamia during the third century CE. It appears that Mani the founder of Manichaeism was partly influenced by the new comers. The Mandaeans had also hostile relations with the Byzantine church and the Babylonian Jews.
Vår religion är väldigt lik judendomen dock vill inte mandeer erkänna detta och ser mer att dem är kristna på grund av dopet som dem utför. När en mandeisk ska presentera hör man ofta att dem uttalar sig med orden, jag är krist för jag följer johannes döparen. Men du har inget som är lik kristendomen förutom dopet? Mandeer följer mamman vilket judar gör också. En mandean måste gifta sig med en annan mandean för dem tror att man ska födas till en mandeisk och ha mandeiskt blod precis som judarna. Sedan är mandeer och judar väldigt lika till utseendet. Mycket mer tyder på att vi är judar. Jag anser dock att jesus är mandeisk och vet inte varför vi inte tror på honom. Han döptes av johannes döparen och gick runt i vita kläder som vi gör. Min enda slutsats är nog för att han blev döpt och inte föddes till en mandean. Jesus blir ofta kallad jesus from Nasaret. Vi är därifrån också. Så om Jesus är mandean så lät tillät vår religion konvertering en gång i tiden men jag försöker veta när den dem stängde religionen för konvertering. Jag tror på att Jesus var en av oss men många mandeer anser att jag har fel. Jag ser även hans följare som en av oss och borde tillåtas konvertering.
According to the Gospels, the ministry of Jesus starts when he is baptised by John. In fact, Jesus hears about John, goes to river Jordan and asks that he be baptised. After that John takes Jesus under his tutelage and becomes his teacher. This became a problem for later Christians because it looked odd when the Messiah became a student of John, so the texts were modified to make John say that he is not the Messiah and someone would come after him. This also accounts for the happiness of the baby John in the uterus.
Dem kan gärna motbevisa mig om jag har fel.
Senast redigerad av Cramis 2012-06-21 kl. 12:24.
Senast redigerad av Cramis 2012-06-21 kl. 12:24.