Ursprungligen postat av
Om de nu dödade honom i räden, borde de inte ha publicerat bilder för att folket skulle få det bekräftat så att därmed Washington med flera fått credit(vilket de iof fått eftersom de flesta tror att han är död)
Nu har det framkommit att allt bildmaterial beordrats brännas upp alternativt skickas till CIA, detta efter att en FOIA-anmälan lämnats in av Judicial Watch.
In the email, addressed to
“Gentlemen,” McRaven wrote,
“One particular item that I want to emphasize is photos; particularly UBLs [Usama Bin Laden, as US military referred to him] remains. At this point – all photos should have been turned over to the CIA; if you still have them destroy them immediately or get them to the [redacted].”
The order to purge the photos came 11 days after the conservative government transparency organization Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request with the Defense Department seeking
“all photographs and/or video recordings of Usama Bin Laden taken during and/or after the U.S. military operation in Pakistan on or about May 1, 2011.”
Judicial Watch finally accessed the McRaven email as a result of a June 7, 2013 FOIA request and a subsequent lawsuit against the Defense Department that sought the materials.