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2004-11-25, 01:42
sten.bs avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Ezzelino
Ja visst har det folket ett lngt minne, vidmakthllet genom det rabbiniska memorerandet och tvistandet om tolkningar som proto-rabbinerna tog itu med p allvar efter de frlorade krigen mot Rom r 70 och n mer efter r 135.
Jag lste fr ett antal mnader sedan Peter Schfers lite torra men vetenskapligt stringenta The History of the Jews in the Greco-Roman World, och han har flera frmodligen gedigna bcker p sin meritlista, exempelvis dessa: http://www.macroknow.com/books/quotes/q-schafer.htm .
Jag har hrt talas om Schfer men inte lst honom nnu.

Hr en bra historia om hur den "kristna" hgern med Jerry Falwell ordnar resor till Israel:
2005-01-10, 17:13
Ezzelinos avatar
Ett provocerande frisprkigt tal av Israel Shamir om lget i vrlden:


"Children of a Lesser God

In Berlin, the high and mighty, including U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, German President Johannes Rau and Israel's president, Moshe Katsav, gathered for a Conference of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) dedicated to the struggle against anti-Semitism. They proclaimed that "the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is serving as a cover for worldwide anti-Semitic sentiment" as Ha'aretz reported today. I was not invited to this gathering, but if I had been, I would have presented them with the following talk.

Your Excellencies, this conference is indeed an extremely important, historic event, to be compared with Constantine's Edict of Milan or with the Nicene Council of the Church. I am not sure that all of you fully understand what you are doing, What is the meaning of the code-words 'Struggle against anti-Semitism'.

Let us say first what it is not. Your "struggle against anti-Semitism" is not a defence for a persecuted small nation; if it were, you would defend the besieged Palestinians. It is not a struggle against racism, for you support racist apartheid in Palestine. It is not a struggle against anti-Jewish discrimination, for there is none, and from Moscow to Paris to New York, Jews occupy the very pinnacle of power.

It is not defence of Jewish life, for the only Jew wounded of late in Europe cut himself with his own kitchen knife in an attempt to incriminate a Muslim. It is not defence of Jewish property, for Jews are the only people on earth who have regained every piece of property their ancestors ever claimed from Berlin to Baghdad. Your "struggle against anti-Semitism" has nothing to do with long-dead historic anti-Semitism or anti-Jewish racial theory. There are Semites and descendants of Jews on both sides of the battle.

Your 'struggle against anti-Semitism', theological in concept, relates to the centuries-old dilemma: "Are all people born equal, equally important and equally close to God? Or are Jews a cut above, special in God's eyes, designating the rest of humanity as the children of a lesser God?" The first alternative was affirmed by St Paul. The second was the banner of Caiaphas. St Paul was 'anti-Semite' in the eyes of Caiaphas for he denied Jewish superiority.

Today, Excellencies, you made your choice, and as Pontius Pilate in his time, you preferred to stand by Caiaphas. It does not matter that the Palestinians are being immured alive behind the 25-foot concrete wall or that the olive groves are erased and wells demolished; what is important is that "Israel or its leaders should not be demonized or villainized" in the words of your colleague, Colin Powell. It is not a question of policy anymore, but of theology, for belief in Jewish superiority is the official faith of Pax Americana, like Christianity was that of the Roman Empire in the days of Constantine the Great. To stress the point, you forbade using Nazi symbols in connection with Israeli policies, but allowed superimposing the swastika onto the Cross of Christ.

In your eyes, it does not matter that the Palestinians are being immured alive behind the 25-foot concrete wall; that the olive groves are erased and wells demolished; what is important that "Israel or its leaders should not be demonized or vilified".

You submitted to the new religion brought over to Europe from across the ocean, with American tanks and dollars and movies, to the neo-Judaic religion of a Chosen few, of man-made landscapes, of economic freedom; of alienation and uprooting, of denying solidarity and sacrality to non-Chosen. You proclaimed today that the Judaic ideas and values are the foundations of the New World Order you are committed to uphold rather than the Christian ideal of solidarity and equality. You brought Europe back into the Arian heresy defeated at Nicaea, and demeaned Christ. Your excessive and abnormal care for the wellbeing of Jews is a symbol of your submission.---"
2005-01-13, 17:40
Ezzelinos avatar
Intressanta reflektioner om sionism och antisemitism:


"---Rabbi David J. Goldberg, in his book To the Promised Land: A History of Zionist Thought, discusses the life and thought of the leader of Zionist revisionism, Vladimir Jabotinsky, who was the great influence upon the life of Menachem Begin. "The basic tenets of Jabotinsky's political philosophy," writes Goldberg,

are subservience to the overriding concept of the homeland: loyalty to a charismatic leader, and the subordination of the class conflict to national goals. It irked Jabotinsky when, over 20 years later, he was accused of imitating Mussolini and Hitler. His irritation was justified: he had anticipated them ... Given that for Jabotinsky echoing Garibaldi "there is no value in the world higher than the nation and the fatherland," it is not altogether surprising that he should have recommended an alliance with an anti-Semitic Ukrainian nationalist. In 1911, in an essay entitled "Schevenko's Jubilee," he had praised the xenophobic Ukrainian poet for his nationalist spirit, despite "explosions of wild fury against the Poles, the Jews and other neighbors," and for proving that the Ukrainian soul has a "talent for independent cultural creativity, reaching into the highest and most sublime sphere."---"
2005-01-13, 18:56
BZQWs avatar
Men lgg alla jvla ZOG-trdar i "konspirationer" s vi andra slipper se dem. Snlla, ska det vara s svrt?
2005-01-13, 19:04
Ezzelinos avatar
Ursprungligen postat av BZQW
Men lgg alla jvla ZOG-trdar i "konspirationer" s vi andra slipper se dem. Snlla, ska det vara s svrt?

Svrt med lsfrstelsen?
2012-11-24, 18:42
EliasAlucards avatar
Intressant intervju med Israel Shamir om Israel, amerikansk utrikespolitik osv, han har Boratbrytning eftersom han r fdd i Sibirien (Borat talar ju engelska med rysk brytning):

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