2011-12-04, 20:47
Verkar som att oppositionen vinner stort, enligt opinionsunderskningar. Drmed fljer Kroatien samma trend som andra krisande lnder i Europa och kastar ut sin regering. Lite av sparka trnaren tnkande ver detta; oppositionens seger kommer sannolikt inte frndra mycket.

2011-12-05, 15:13
Tja, om inte annat slipper man ju korruptionssyndikatet HDZ.
2012-01-05, 12:16
Ezzelinos avatar
Mycket lite som skrivs om Kroatien p Flashback, trots att det finns en hel del kroater i Sverige.
Den internationella judenheten hller i alla fall koll p kroaterna. Efraim Zuroff frn den globalt hxjagande charlatanorganisationen Simon Wiesenthal Center r ursinnig i Jerusalem Post:


"Imagine for a minute that memorial masses were held in two major cities in Germany on the anniversary of the death of Adolf Hitler. Needless to say, such a ceremony would arouse fury, indignation, and widespread protests not only in Germany, but throughout the entire world. Last week, the local equivalent of such an event took place in Croatia, but instead of anger and demonstrations, not a single word of protest was heard from anywhere in the country.

I am referring to the December 28 memorial masses conducted in Zagreb and Split (and perhaps elsewhere as well) to mark the 51st anniversary of the death of Ante Pavelić, the head of state of the infamous Independent State of Croatia, created by the Nazis and their Italian allies in 1941. Following its establishment, rule was turned over to the local fascist movement, the Ustasha, headed by its Poglavnik (leader) Ante Pavelić.---

THE MEMORIAL masses to honor Pavelić, who died in Spain in 1959 from wounds suffered in an assassination attempt two years earlier, mark a renewal of a tradition which began in the 1990s following the reestablishment of Croatian independence. In the wake of the conviction in Zagreb of Jasenovac commandant Dinko Sakic and in response to protests by the Wiesenthal Center, the mass was stopped and the priest responsible, Vjekoslav Lasic, left Croatia.

Unfortunately, however, Lasic returned to Zagreb a few years ago and renewed his neo-fascist activity with impunity. At the funeral of Sakic, who insisted on being buried in his Ustasha uniform although in prison for his World War II crimes, it was Lasic who administered final rites. According to the Dominican priest, although Dinko Sakic did not observe all the Ten Commandments (Thou shalt not murder?), he was a model for all Croatians, and every Croat should be proud of his name.

The question now is, how does such an event to honor the memory of one of the biggest mass murderers of World War II pass with nary a word of protest or condemnation? The obvious address for such indignation would be in Croatia itself, where many people fought with Titos partisans against the Ustasha, and a significant sector of the population have a strong anti-fascist tradition. But the same question applies outside the country as well.

Croatia is well on its way to membership in the European Union (slated for 2013), a membership which is ostensibly contingent on the acceptance of EU values and norms. Is a memorial mass for one of Europes worst war criminals compatible with EU membership?

The sad truth is that in this respect, the European Union has failed miserably in dealing with the resurgence of neo-fascism and the promotion of Holocaust distortion in its post-Communist members. Once admitted to the EU (and NATO), countries like Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary and Romania have begun to take active steps to rewrite their World War II histories, minimizing or attempting to hide the highly-significant role played by their nationals in Holocaust crimes, with barely a word of protest or condemnation from Brussels.---"



Tyvrr r nationalistpartierna svaga i Kroatien.
Senast redigerad av Ezzelino 2012-01-05 kl. 12:28.
2012-01-20, 19:13
Herzs avatar
Enligt underskningar s kommer Kroatien rsta JA till EU nu p sndag.

Jag beklagar sorgen till det kroatiska folket. Sg adj till er nationella suvernitet och frbered er p en framtid med tunga skuldbrdor.
2012-01-20, 20:23
Ursprungligen postat av Herz
Enligt underskningar s kommer Kroatien rsta JA till EU nu p sndag.

Jag beklagar sorgen till det kroatiska folket. Sg adj till er nationella suvernitet och frbered er p en framtid med tunga skuldbrdor.

Tja, det gr inte strlande i nulget heller rent ekonomiskt.
2015-11-08, 19:54
envackerblommas avatar
kan bli regimskifte idag

An exit poll for Croatian state television showed the conservative opposition Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) and the ruling Social Democratic Party (SDP) tied in a parliamentary election on Sunday.

The exit poll showed both parties winning 56 seats in the 151-seat parliament.
HDz tror p seger
The Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) party said it was confident of its victory in Sunday's parliamentary election, stressing that the results of exit polls were "not even close to the actual results".

"The turnout of our voters was very good and I am confident that our final score will be much better than the exit polls. The best polls for us are what the voters say and we will see that very soon when results start coming in," the HDZ's political secretary, Tomislav Culjak, told Hina in a comment on the results of exit polls announced after the closing of polling stations at 7pm
resultat kommer 9 ikvll - kanske stngs balkanrutten ?
Senast redigerad av envackerblomma 2015-11-08 kl. 20:03.
2015-11-10, 01:26
Sixts avatar
Hur gick det i senaste parlamentsvalet? Lyckades de konservativa ta ver makten?
2015-11-10, 16:58
envackerblommas avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Sixt
Hur gick det i senaste parlamentsvalet? Lyckades de konservativa ta ver makten?

Ja, de vann , dock ej egen majoritet
Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) fick 59 mandat mot 52 fr sossarna

hgerpopulra stormar fram i st o centraleuropa , Polen , sterrike o nu Kroatien.

Slovenien ska bygga stngsel - d lr Kroatien bygga ett riktigt rejlt staket - Orbanstyle

svensk media tysta .... mer om Burmas val!
2016-07-18, 19:29
Nyvalet r spikat nu till 11 september, samtidigt som Vitryssland gr till urnorna.
2016-07-21, 16:16
Sunrise01s avatar
Det var nara att imamen och kulturministern Zlatko Hasanbegović blev landets premiarminister istallet for Tomislav Karamarko som avsattes dock gav han upp. Vanligt folk i Kroatien forstar helt enkelt inte varfor ett litet land med 4 miljoner invanare som har 15 miljoner turister varje ar inte har battre levnadsstandard an vad man har samtidigt som priserna i mataffarerna ar lika hoga som i rika lander. Landet ar ocksa rejalt skuldsatt och det fods valdigt lite barn.
Vart forsvinner pengarna undrar manga, hur kan Slovenien utan nagot massturism ha avsevart battre ekonomi? Hur hade det sett ut utan massturism fragar sig mina bekanta fran Kroatien? Slavonien toms helt pa folk som flyttar vidare till Tyskland, Osterrike osv. De senaste par aren har over 150 tusen unga lamnat Kroatien vilket ar ju ett hart slag for ett litet land med liten befolkning.
Darfor foll regeringen och det blir nyval nu, vanligt folk ar trotta helt enkelt och man ser ingen direkt battring.
Senast redigerad av Sunrise01 2016-07-21 kl. 16:22.
2016-07-26, 09:34
Nu ser man till att brnna frra omgngens valsedlar, eftetsom ngot fusk nd inte kunnat bevisas.
Conspiracy theories about the stolen elections of 2015 are even now regularly featured on right-wing fringe websites, with claims that SDP and then Prime Minister Zoran Milanović somehow prevented HDZ from achieving convincing victory at the elections.
2016-09-11, 17:28
Prawitzs avatar
Vlmenande idealister som inte kommer att lyckas. S beskriver kroater Most - landets tredje strsta parti och vgmstarna i parlamentet. Det senaste ret har de gjort sitt yttersta fr att pressa vriga partier till politiska och ekonomiska reformer. Hittills har det mest bestende resultatet varit en flld regering och ett nyval.

Men det har brjat ryktas att HDZ och SDP kommer att gra vad de kan fr att slippa Most, till och med bilda en gemensam regering ver blockgrnserna. Bozo Petrov sger bitskt att det r en fullt realistisk lsning.

De r tv exakt likadana partier som snabbt glmmer de f skillnader de har nr det gller att rdda sina egna platser, s ja, jag kan se det hnda, men det skulle vara dligt fr Kroatien. I s fall gr vi i opposition och kmpar fr det kroatiska folket.


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