2012-03-28, 22:43
Jag har lst hela protokollet och det r ju helt sjukt att allt som str r sant, jag rekommenderar alla att lsa den. den publicerades p 1800talet och d str det att man ska starta ekonomiska krig istllet fr tertira krig, och att zionisterna ska kontrolla bankerna och pressen vilket de gr bde i sverige och i resten av vrlden "LOANS HANG LIKE A SWORD OF DAMOCLES OVER THE HEADS OF RULERS. COUNTRIES ARE DEBTORS TO OUR TREASURIES TO AMOUNTS QUITE IMPOSSIBLE TO PAY. STATES ARE DRAINED AND THE GOYIM PAY US THE TRIBUTE OF SUBJECTS"
"Meantime, however, until we come into our kingdom, we shall act in the contrary way: we shall create and multiply free masonic lodges in all the countries of the world, absorb into them all who may become or who are prominent in public activity, for these lodges we shall find our principal intelligence office and means of influence. All these lodges we shall bring under one central administration, known to us alone and to all others absolutely unknown, which will be composed of our learned elders. The lodges will have their representatives who will serve to screen the above-mentioned administration of MASONRY and from whom will issue the watchword and program. In these lodges we shall tie together the knot which binds together all revolutionary and liberal elements. Their composition will be made up of all strata of society. The most secret political plots will be known to us and fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception. AMONG THE MEMBERS OF THESE LODGES WILL BE ALMOST ALL THE AGENTS OF INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL POLICE since their service is for us irreplaceable in the respect that the police is in a position not only to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate"
Det r ju Bilderberggruppens mte de referar till
ta en titt hr p protokollen : http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/przion1.htm
Efter att ha tagit en titt p protokollen vad tror ni?
"Meantime, however, until we come into our kingdom, we shall act in the contrary way: we shall create and multiply free masonic lodges in all the countries of the world, absorb into them all who may become or who are prominent in public activity, for these lodges we shall find our principal intelligence office and means of influence. All these lodges we shall bring under one central administration, known to us alone and to all others absolutely unknown, which will be composed of our learned elders. The lodges will have their representatives who will serve to screen the above-mentioned administration of MASONRY and from whom will issue the watchword and program. In these lodges we shall tie together the knot which binds together all revolutionary and liberal elements. Their composition will be made up of all strata of society. The most secret political plots will be known to us and fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception. AMONG THE MEMBERS OF THESE LODGES WILL BE ALMOST ALL THE AGENTS OF INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL POLICE since their service is for us irreplaceable in the respect that the police is in a position not only to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate"
Det r ju Bilderberggruppens mte de referar till
ta en titt hr p protokollen : http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/przion1.htm
Efter att ha tagit en titt p protokollen vad tror ni?