Helt ny substans som endast finns hos EN rc-butik i USA s lnge men beskrivs som the second coming of christ. Beskrivs som bttre n mephedrone/methylone av en anvndare.
I am not trying to market this but I have ingested 260 mg of this and must say that it feels much better than methylone and mephedrone to me.
Citat frn en annan anvndare:
The peak is an amazing feeling...relaxing yet stimulated. I'm still peaking and this is a really cool RC...worth trying for sure. [...] Really similar to M1 and in some ways better. The peak was obviously amazing, very euphoric, and visual.
Butiken hittar ni om ni googlar namnet. Baserad i USA. Har inte och tnker inte bestlla men om ngon vill och vgar s kr hrt. Mycket som pekar p att denna kommer bli riktigt poppis bland meph-folket.