2012-04-23, 15:56
Som rubriken lyder, vilka masking agents finns det att ta till om man tvingas pissa? Har frskt att leta men hittar inte avsevrt mycket om mnet. Saxar lite av det jag fann:
Masking Agents
Masking agents are substances that athletes might use to prevent detection of drugs in the urine. These include substances ingested by the athlete as well as adulterants that are surreptitiously added to a urine specimen in an attempt to fool the drug assay. In 1987, the IOC requested that urine samples be screened for the presence of probenecid at the Pan American Games, because probenecid was suspected of being used to prevent the excretion of certain anabolic-androgenic steroids in an attempt to cheat on a drug test.[2,14,15] After probenecid was indeed detected in a number of urine samples of strength athletes, it was subsequently added to the banned substance list by the IOC. The mechanism of action is believed to be an inhibition of renal tubular secretion of these drugs. Both the NCAA and WADA now ban probenecid.[12,22]
By taking a substance to alkalinize the urine, the urinary excretion rate of basic compounds (e.g., amphetamine analogues) can be reduced.[80] By decreasing the excretion of the drug, the urine concentration may be too low for the analysis to detect. For this reason, strict drug-testing protocols require a urine sample to have a pH of 7.5 or less.[3,15] Furthermore, alkalinizing agents, such as acetazolamide, are banned by the NCAA and WADA, and they can be detected by the drug tests.[12,22]
Adulterants have been used by athletes to mask the use of banned substances, either by adding something that degrades or denatures the drug and its metabolites or by interfering with the analysis in some manner to deceive it. Such adulterants are surreptitiously added to a urine specimen by an athlete after the specimen has been produced. Examples of such adulterants -- which may or may not be effective masking agents -- are bleach, vinegar, lemon juice, salt, hand soap, Drano, and various acids.[81-83] A number of products are marketed, particularly on the Internet, to assist athletes in beating a drug test.[82] These products attempt to interfere with the analysis by various mechanisms, but strict specimen collection procedures (e.g., observed collections) and counterdetection methods used in certified laboratories will generally detect such attempts at deception. Tampering, adulterating, or manipulating a urine specimen is banned, and evidence of such can constitute a positive drug test, depending on the sports-governing body.
Av detta kan man allts utlsa att fljande i teorin kan fungera som masking agents:
Andra masking agents som inte nmns i texten men jag lst om i frbifarten p andra stllen:
Epi-testosteron (ration mellan testo/epitestosteron testas vid prov)
Diuretika av alla de slag
Jag r mest intresserad av de masking agents man kan ta med sig ifall man skulle bli tagen p gymmet och tvingas pissa. Har lst hr p forumet om att droppa lite pressad citron i urinet alt. en bit tvl fr att frstra testet?
S, vilka av ovanstende fungerar? Kan tnka mig att probenecid (som fungerar genom att hlla kvar mnena i kroppen nr man tagit det) syns p ett dopingtest liksom diuretika och epi-testosteron. Och vcker det inte misstankar om urinets PH r onormalt surt? S snlla, ni som vet hur man gr, dela med er! Finns skerligen mnga drute som grna skulle g omkring med en skiva citron i kalsongerna p gymmet ifall de visste att det kanske kunde hjlpa manipulera proven
Masking Agents
Masking agents are substances that athletes might use to prevent detection of drugs in the urine. These include substances ingested by the athlete as well as adulterants that are surreptitiously added to a urine specimen in an attempt to fool the drug assay. In 1987, the IOC requested that urine samples be screened for the presence of probenecid at the Pan American Games, because probenecid was suspected of being used to prevent the excretion of certain anabolic-androgenic steroids in an attempt to cheat on a drug test.[2,14,15] After probenecid was indeed detected in a number of urine samples of strength athletes, it was subsequently added to the banned substance list by the IOC. The mechanism of action is believed to be an inhibition of renal tubular secretion of these drugs. Both the NCAA and WADA now ban probenecid.[12,22]
By taking a substance to alkalinize the urine, the urinary excretion rate of basic compounds (e.g., amphetamine analogues) can be reduced.[80] By decreasing the excretion of the drug, the urine concentration may be too low for the analysis to detect. For this reason, strict drug-testing protocols require a urine sample to have a pH of 7.5 or less.[3,15] Furthermore, alkalinizing agents, such as acetazolamide, are banned by the NCAA and WADA, and they can be detected by the drug tests.[12,22]
Adulterants have been used by athletes to mask the use of banned substances, either by adding something that degrades or denatures the drug and its metabolites or by interfering with the analysis in some manner to deceive it. Such adulterants are surreptitiously added to a urine specimen by an athlete after the specimen has been produced. Examples of such adulterants -- which may or may not be effective masking agents -- are bleach, vinegar, lemon juice, salt, hand soap, Drano, and various acids.[81-83] A number of products are marketed, particularly on the Internet, to assist athletes in beating a drug test.[82] These products attempt to interfere with the analysis by various mechanisms, but strict specimen collection procedures (e.g., observed collections) and counterdetection methods used in certified laboratories will generally detect such attempts at deception. Tampering, adulterating, or manipulating a urine specimen is banned, and evidence of such can constitute a positive drug test, depending on the sports-governing body.
Av detta kan man allts utlsa att fljande i teorin kan fungera som masking agents:
Andra masking agents som inte nmns i texten men jag lst om i frbifarten p andra stllen:
Epi-testosteron (ration mellan testo/epitestosteron testas vid prov)
Diuretika av alla de slag
Jag r mest intresserad av de masking agents man kan ta med sig ifall man skulle bli tagen p gymmet och tvingas pissa. Har lst hr p forumet om att droppa lite pressad citron i urinet alt. en bit tvl fr att frstra testet?
S, vilka av ovanstende fungerar? Kan tnka mig att probenecid (som fungerar genom att hlla kvar mnena i kroppen nr man tagit det) syns p ett dopingtest liksom diuretika och epi-testosteron. Och vcker det inte misstankar om urinets PH r onormalt surt? S snlla, ni som vet hur man gr, dela med er! Finns skerligen mnga drute som grna skulle g omkring med en skiva citron i kalsongerna p gymmet ifall de visste att det kanske kunde hjlpa manipulera proven