Frutsatt att det r testosteron/epitestosteron-ration som mts vid tester tycks (som tidigare nmnts i trden) grnt te vara att fredra, se:
Frvrigt intressant uppradning av etniska gruppers avsaknad av enzymet UGT2B17 vilket gr att test p testo/epi-ration inte fungerar. Var tionde svensk ungefr:
"As if the T:E ratio test didn't suck enough as an effective anti-doping tool, four years ago researchers at the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm discovered that some athletes can inject impressive amounts of testosterone and not fail the T:E ratio if they lacked the gene that produces the UGT2B17 enzyme.
Approximately 40% of these genetically gifted athletes could take a whopping injection of 500mg of testosterone enanthate without raising flags from current WADA doping controls.
And this genetic anomaly is relatively common and is more common in certain ethnic groups. Thus, an athlete's ethnicity may give them a doping advantage.
78.0% Mulatto (Brazilian)
66.7% Eastern Asian (Korean)
57.3% Cape Colored (Cape Town, South Africa)
37.6% Mexican Mestizo
30.4% Asian Pacific (Southeast Asian/Southern Chinese, Asian Indian, Japanese)
29.1% Black (African Americans, African Blacks, South/Central American Blacks)
9.3% White Caucasian (Swedish)
3.5% White Caucasian (primarily European)"
S, trycker man kan det kanske vara en frdel att brja dagen med en kopp grnt te och kanske kra ett par caps grnt te med hg halt av catekiner istllet fr de vanliga koffeintabletterna innan passet, detta br minsta risken fr att ka fast ifall man tvingas pinka markant. Mrk emellertid att det endast fungerar ifall man pinkar, sledes inte blodprov!
edit; ngon som sitter p studien frn Karolinska?