2012-05-04, 15:59
Imorgon kommer English Defence League att marchera genom Luton för att uppmärksamma sin 3e årsdag.
Hur tror ni detta kommer gå?
Förra året samlade man mellan 6-7000 deltagare och motdemonstranter ställde som vanligt till med problem, hur många kan tänkas dyka upp i år?, har vi sett peaken på EDL's "uppror" eller kommer de fortsätta växa i den rasande takt man gjort hitills?
Såhär skriver EDL på sin hemsida:
Tommy Robinson talar på förra årets Luton demonstration
Imorgon kommer English Defence League att marchera genom Luton för att uppmärksamma sin 3e årsdag.
Hur tror ni detta kommer gå?
Förra året samlade man mellan 6-7000 deltagare och motdemonstranter ställde som vanligt till med problem, hur många kan tänkas dyka upp i år?, har vi sett peaken på EDL's "uppror" eller kommer de fortsätta växa i den rasande takt man gjort hitills?
Såhär skriver EDL på sin hemsida:
Celebrating Three Years of the English Defence League: Luton, May 5th
The English Defence League (EDL) will return to Luton on May 5th to celebrate three years of campaigning against Islamic extremism.
When we demonstrated in Luton last year, we caused a minimum of disruption to the lives of ordinary citizens, and we hope that by working closely with the police we can do even better this year.
Ours is an open and exclusive movement, and as well as opposing Islamic extremism, we are dedicated to combating all ideologies that promote hatred and intolerance in society.
The only divisions that we seek to promote are between the extremists and ordinary people.
There should be no place for extremism in Luton, or in any other part of the country. But, sadly, Islamic extremism continues to thrive within our country’s Muslim communities.
To defeat it will require a joint effort by the government, the media and by British Muslims themselves. The English Defence League exists to promote and encourage that effort.
We urge all decent people in Luton, irrespective of colour, faith or beliefs, to join our demonstration on May 5th and to celebrate three years of successful campaigning.
The English Defence League (EDL) will return to Luton on May 5th to celebrate three years of campaigning against Islamic extremism.
When we demonstrated in Luton last year, we caused a minimum of disruption to the lives of ordinary citizens, and we hope that by working closely with the police we can do even better this year.
Ours is an open and exclusive movement, and as well as opposing Islamic extremism, we are dedicated to combating all ideologies that promote hatred and intolerance in society.
The only divisions that we seek to promote are between the extremists and ordinary people.
There should be no place for extremism in Luton, or in any other part of the country. But, sadly, Islamic extremism continues to thrive within our country’s Muslim communities.
To defeat it will require a joint effort by the government, the media and by British Muslims themselves. The English Defence League exists to promote and encourage that effort.
We urge all decent people in Luton, irrespective of colour, faith or beliefs, to join our demonstration on May 5th and to celebrate three years of successful campaigning.
Tommy Robinson talar på förra årets Luton demonstration