Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2012-05-26, 20:43
mrkte nyss att denna mephedrone isomer har slppts fr frsljning till civil befokningen tidigare kunde bara fretag och liknande kpa denna men nu kan vi ochs kpa denna man hittar den om man sker p 3-methylmethcathinone p google.

fy fan vad najs ska bestlla massor omgende!!!
2012-05-26, 22:34
Psychoramas avatar
Ja denna har det varit p tal om lnge.. Tror absolut det r bra skit! Kanske kan kallas Methydrone?
Senast redigerad av Psychorama 2012-05-26 kl. 22:37.
2012-05-27, 16:49
Lter vldigt intressant!

Har inte lst ngot om mnet alls, ngon som lst om folk som har testat det? Hur str det sig mot Meph/4-Mec?
2012-05-27, 20:05
WokaWokis avatar
invntar med spnning nr ngon har prvat, ingen analog har varit i nrheten, kanske dags nu?
2012-05-27, 23:10
Medlem avatar
Tnk om de vore ett substitut som r 50% av det s r jag mer n njd

Men r det verkligen ingen som hittills ftt ran att prova? Inte ens p ngot annat forum?
Bring me back to 08 baby!
2012-05-28, 12:19
Orgelmannens avatar
Ursprungligen postat av

Review from a dutch forum:

I had this week 3MMC ordered last night and tested. Had gotten the message that it should resemble 4MMC (mephedrone so), do let's try.
About 4MMC read everywhere (do not experience) that it is very short and spiky works so great urge to take, but that it hardly causes hangovers, and the latter drew me to have to try it.

Quietly begun in the first 2 hours several times until he bijgepakt something good was, and from that moment nothing bijgepakt because it was totally not as short-acting and wispy like what I read about 4MMC. It was great, felt great just like on MDMA, including the flickering eyes, grinding teeth, and large pupils. But very clear in my head, just like on 6apb. But the big advantage I found that I was not so much collapsed as with MDMA, I had some good energy, a lot of sense to talk, and after smoking a joint was totally super! When was the vagueness there, just as with MDMA.

3 to 4 hours after the last dose, I go to sleep, but my teeth were still raging, and sleep was pretty hard the first few hours. But it was not really alone in bed feeling fine. Several hours later, still asleep and sleep for several hours.

Now the next day, obviously feel that I did something yesterday, but not comparable to MDMA or 6apb. I am now even a sandwich with peanut butter to eat, something I totally after mdma/6apb to consider.

How your body may feel raped after MDMA I now totally, just a little tired and some vaguely still, while the effect was really super.

Wait and see how the hangover is about to expire, but this seems to be my new favorite!
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu May 20, 2012 3:40 pm

Another minor addition with respect to the effect, mentally it felt like a combination of 6apb/mdma, so euphoric, social, etc, but with the brightness of 6apb. But what I miss in 6apb is a little body load that MDMA can give you that warmth and waves / gusts of tingling throughout your body. In 6apb I get it a bit warmer, but not really feeling that MDMA, which was at 3MMC present. Also super sense to talk, whatever happened all the time, and more energy than mdma/6apb I think.

And the best thing I found is that it works within 10 minutes already, so no endless waiting like 6apb where it may take 2 hours before you are really good in it. Now it's just a line address, and before you know it he starts al

Now it is 2 days after I had used, and the hangover is now completely gone. Wait and see if there is a dip tomorrow.

If you are interested, perhaps I would have put a full trip report together.
2012-05-30, 02:21
gurkan7s avatar
Har bestllt denna s snart ska jag prova
2012-05-30, 08:09
sOBErs avatar
Ursprungligen postat av gurkan7
Har bestllt denna s snart ska jag prova

Jag tror detta kan vara ngot att hnga i granen s det ska bli riktigt intressant att hra vad du tycker om det..
2012-05-30, 10:05
gurkan7s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av sOBEr
Jag tror detta kan vara ngot att hnga i granen s det ska bli riktigt intressant att hra vad du tycker om det..

Hehe bestllt 50G av denna och 50G 4-MBC I EXpressfart d jag inte orkade vnta
2012-05-30, 10:36
Mandic!s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av gurkan7
Hehe bestllt 50G av denna och 50G 4-MBC I EXpressfart d jag inte orkade vnta
terkom med rapport!
2012-05-30, 14:21
lilZer0s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av gurkan7
Hehe bestllt 50G av denna och 50G 4-MBC I EXpressfart d jag inte orkade vnta
Som ovan: terkom med rapport! Har haft gonen p 4-MBC lnge d jag diggar buphedrone iv och nyligen dk 4-MMC ocks upp i butiken, s ja, rapportera grna ::
2012-06-02, 01:13
unleash82s avatar
Fruktansvrt nyfiken p denna, Gurk har du testkrt?!


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