Detta r en konflikt mellan tv stormakter, koreanerna sjlva fattar inte att de endast r bnderna p schackbrdet.
Om krig sker s hoppas jag att amerikanerna fr en gng skull fr uppleva frluster p hemmaplan, detta kan frndra deras fanatiska instllning till "fredsuppdrag" i vrlden.
The presence of U.S. forces in places like South Korea and Japan has long worried Beijing, feeding its fears that it is being surrounded and "contained" by Washington and its allies, especially following the U.S. strategic pivot to Asia.
The flying of B-2 and F-22 stealth jets in joint exercises with South Korea, bringing U.S. military might virtually to China's doorstep, has barely generated a response from Beijing except for a generic call for calm and restraint.
Last month's announcement that the United States would strengthen its anti-missile defences due to the North's threats also elicited only relatively mild criticism from China.
Another well-connected Chinese military expert, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of discussing Chinese defence policy, said China believed the U.S. presence in Korea acted as a necessary restraint on troublesome Pyongyang, hence the lack of criticism from Beijing.
Det r frvnande hur lugna kineserna verkar jmfrt med USA, fast rent tekniskt sett s r det jnkarna som provocerar med sin militra nrvaro.