Att det ligger enskilda medborgare str stipulerat i artikel 350, s dr har du fel.Knns fortfarande som en sak fr Hgsta domstolen i frsta hand och inte fr en enskild medborgare att avgra om presidenten inte lngre r tillgnglig. men det r heller inte mitt primra argument hr utan det r det faktum att vi aldrig lr oss ngonsin nr det gller interventioner. Guaid erknns av 20+ nationer, 150+ gr inte det. Samtidigt fldar propagandan och #FakeNews:
Aid Trucks Arrive as Maduros Forces Dig In at Border Bridge
Men den bron har aldrig varit ppen:
Inte mnga rtt dr i Bloombergs artikel s jag hoppas att du inte har hmtat din tolkning av Venezuelas konstitution drifrn.
Aid Trucks Arrive as Maduros Forces Dig In at Border Bridge
The first shipments of U.S. humanitarian aid for Venezuela arrived at the countrys western border Thursday, setting the stage for a clash with the government of President Nicolas Maduro, who has pledged to block the supplies.
Two trucks arrived in the Colombian border town of Cucuta, and took the supplies to a warehouse next to an unused bridge that connects the countries. More deliveries are expected soon, though the scale of the need is immense. The supplies will be sent into Venezuela next week, opposition lawmaker Gaby Arellano said in a phone interview.
Venezuelas security forces used freight containers and a tanker trailer to cut off the span, and are patrolling the dry riverbed nearby.
Juan Guaido, the Venezuelan National Assembly leader recognized as the countrys rightful leader by more than 30 governments, is using the aid to pressure Maduros authoritarian regime and demonstrate his ability to help the masses. But Maduro has said the effort is a pretext for invasion, and theres no sign that his armed forces will let the shipments through.
Men den bron har aldrig varit ppen:
Fue concluido a principios de 2016, pero debido a la crisis entre Venezuela y Colombia de 2015 y el cierre fronterizo de Venezuela el puente no ha sido abierto oficialmente.3
Inte mnga rtt dr i Bloombergs artikel s jag hoppas att du inte har hmtat din tolkning av Venezuelas konstitution drifrn.
Angende bron s r den officiellt stngd men naturligtvis farbar, men nr hjlpsndningarna kom stllde diktaturen fyra lastbilar p tvren fr att hindra sin befolkning att f de lkemedel de behver. Diktaturen ser allts hellre sin befolkning lida och d n att ta emot lkemedlen. Standardfrfarande fr en diktaturer kanske, men humanitrt orimligt, vilket ytterligare r ett bevis p vad vi har att gra med.