Dumheter. Haha. Tyvärr så kommer ju religiösa knäppgökar och anti-marijuana organisationer fortsätta djävlas även efter legalisering. Och dom finns lite överallt, precis som scientologer och jehovahs vittnen finns lite överallt. Men någon gång måste ju måttet ändå vara rågat!
"The device, also called an olfactometer, looks like an elongated telescope/respirator/megaphone for your nose, and although their website is flooded with jargon like “dilution ratios," “traceable calibration," and “odor mapping," it's pretty clear that this isn't a particularly impressive piece of equipment at all. It's less of a measuring instrument and more of a tube with varying sized holes and two filters at the end. The premise is that by inhaling, a certain ratio of the air you receive will be charcoal filtered and clean, and some will be straight from the surrounding air, thereby allowing the user to see at what level the scent they're smelling is detectable. Right off the bat, it seems like abandoning the device altogether and using the nose God gave you might be an easier method of figuring out if there's a disruptive amount odor in the air, and since the real measurement is still based on the smelling skills of the cop with the Nasal Ranger, there’s no real reliability or standard on which to base a fine or arrest."
För övrigt så var professor Farnsworth i Futurama först med att uppfinna "the smelloscope" haha