Svenska Kyrkan ska givetvis inte förväxlas med sann kristendom.
Det räcker att läsa om kapitlet om Babels Torn i Bibeln för att förstå hur Gud ser på rasblandning. Eller varför inte de specifika instruktionerna om hur Canaan skulle tömmas på rasfrämlingar innan Israeliterna kunde bosätta sig där.
Att ena nationerna och att folk skulle sluta sig samman är något Bibeln varnar för eftersom Antikrist kommer att framträda när nationerna enats.
Så nej Svenska Kyrkan är inte kristna, de är snarare satanister. De riken i Bibeln som beskrivs som odjur är de imperium som inkluderar flera nationaliteter:
Ethno-nationalists affirm that God intended to create separate races, nations, tribes, and families from the beginning, and that ultimately all people would be united under Christ. Since racial distinctions exist in heaven, it is clear that God intended for racial distinctions to exist for his own glory. Nothing in the Bible indicates that racial distinctions or racial identity is a transient solution to a temporary problem. Instead these distinctions are an integral element of our identity that will endure forever. 4 Since we’ve established that separate nationalities exist in heaven and that there are multiple “nations of them which are saved,” it is clear that race does indeed have intrinsic significance. We could no more argue that our resurrected bodies will lack racial identity than we could argue that they lack gender identity.
it seems that national identity was rooted in the sons of Noah and their offspring, and that the division at Babel was not a new or innovative arrangement, but was rather a reaffirmation of a preexisting social structure which had existed at least since the time of the Flood. God confused language as an additional tool for maintaining national distinction. This did not create new nations which had theretofore not existed! There had already been several generations of the nations listed in Genesis 10 by the time that Tower of Babel is formed and God was protecting the unique identity of the nations that already existed. It is certainly true that Babel was a punishment for sin, but it was also an act of mercy from God in order to restrain the evil that typically arises in cosmopolitan societies who have lost sight of their tribal identity. Raceless or tribeless societies become decadent due to anonymity and loss of patriarchal authority, which is inevitable in these regimes. When people forget their ancestors they will not regard their children and future descendants!