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Det är ju som har klen uppfattningsförmåga. Jag frågar vad det är som bestämmer efterföljderna och du kommer med exempel.
Någon som vet hur det ser ut i Ryssland, vem bär ansvaret där?
Skulden för detta
krigsbrott (enl FN) - nedskjutning av MH17 - ligger på
Ukraina enligt Ryssland.
Russia's defense minister [Shoigu] says Ukraine bears "full responsibility" for the deadly crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 because the incident occurred in Ukrainian aispace.
MOSCOW - Russia is demanding to know why international investigators have yet to publish the black box data from a Malaysian airliner that was shot down over eastern Ukraine in July, a deputy defence minister said in an interview published on Saturday.
"The Boeing catastrophe throws up more and more questions. But lately not many people are talking about this," Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov said.
Många frågor – inga svar:
"Why have the data still not been published about the conversations between the air traffic controllers and the pilots of the Boeing? Why haven't the data been presented from the international investigation of the black boxes? Who doesn't want this to happen?"
"Where is the transcript of the recordings of conversations between the pilot of this plane and his command? How did a military aircraft come to be alongside a civilian one?
The Netherlands has rejected a demand to allow the UN to replace Dutch experts at the helm of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 investigation. The proposal was made by relatives of the plane's passengers.
Varför? Vad har de att dölja?