Interjuv med Vladimir Rezun alias Viktor Suvorov (läs hela, intressant):
"Kalashnikov: Have your views on Russian history evolved over time?
Suvorov: Mostly no. Our history since 1917 until today was one big crime-spree, or one big mistake. There is only one shining day in that history - June 22, 1941, when we were not attacking anyone, though someone was attacking us. And the regime holds onto this day with a death-grip. That's why we need so many rockets, so many submarines, so many Sakharov bombs [super H-bombs]. They don't care about their people. They need the rockets, and to Hell with the people. If you can make a case that World War II was a Soviet plan, then everything falls apart [in Russia]. Then the official interpretation of history in the Soviet Union falls apart. Then we have no foundation. The idea that Hitler attacked the Soviet Union is the only pillar that their ideology rests upon. This is a justification for everything. Invasion of Afghanistan - Why? Because we were attacked by Hitler. Why is there no meat in the stores? - Because we were attacked by Hitler. We entered Czechoslovakia in 1968 - Why? Because we were attacked by Hitler. All is excused by Hitler's attack. My Icebreaker [book] put a wedge into this story. Imagine, I have 56 books on the subject of debunking my book Icebreaker. It's very important for them to stifle independent voices, independent historians, of which I am one. How do they stifle these voices? You strike at the author in some way, or you take an agent approach - by bribing, intimidating, knocking out his Web site. And they publish ridiculous dirt under my name."