The Buckinghams are an American Sunshine pop[1] band from Chicago, Illinois. They formed in 1966, and went on to become one of the top selling acts of 1967. The band dissolved in 1970, but reformed in 1980 and as of 2014 they continue to tour throughout the United States.
Undrar om det r nn mer som har fattat tycke fr den hr briljanta gruppen? Ett band med mnga prlor som verkar ha ignorerats av den stora massan och "musikrecensenterna". De producerade fin solskens-pop som passar sig bra shr i sommartider.
Mina fem favoriter frn gruppen r:
1. Hey Baby (They're Playing Our Song)
2. Don't You Care
3. You Misunderstand Me
4. Mercy! Mercy! Mercy!
5. Kind Of A Drag
Bertta grna vad ni tycker om gruppen och vilka era favoritltar r.