Ursprungligen postat av
Det rder vldigt stor okunnighet om hur grundlggande rttigheter frhller sig till varandra i den hr trden. Rekommenderar att ni lser SvD:s juridiske expert Mrten Schultz utlggning fr att f lite ndvndiga bakgrundsfakta:
Varfr skulle ngon lsa Mrten Schultz nr han r regimens politruk som sprider desinformation i regimens intresse? I samband med Assange-fallet, s knde han sig t.o.m. ndgad att vnda sig till utlandet med lgner, som att hvda att Sverige r en rttsstat och fr att det inte skulle finnas ngra tvivel kring vad han menade, s preciserade han dessutom med ordet
Rechtsstaat. I stort sett inte en endaste punkt stmmer in p Sverige:
Principles of the Rechtsstaat[edit]
The most important principles of the Rechtsstaat are:[5]
The state is based on the supremacy of national constitution and exercises coercion and guarantees the safety and constitutional rights of its citizens.
Civil society is an equal partner to the state.
Separation of powers, with the executive, legislative, and judiciary branches of government limiting one another's power and providing for checks and balances.
The judicature and the executive are bound by law (not acting against the law), and the legislature is bound by constitutional principles.
Both the legislature and democracy itself are bound by elementary constitutional rights and principles.
Transparency of state acts and the requirement of providing a reason for all state acts.
Review of state decisions and state acts by independent organs, including an appeal process.
Hierarchy of laws and the requirement of clarity and definiteness.
Reliability of state actions, protection of past dispositions made in good faith against later state actions, prohibition of retroactivity.
Principle of the proportionality of state action.
Monopoly of the legitimate use of force (sometimes amended to "monopoly on/of the legitimate initiation of force" or "monopoly on/of the legitimate use of aggressive force" in states that operate under an agency-contract [Lockean] rather than an alienation-contract [Hobbesian] theory of legitimacy, such that individuals retain the right to take the actions that they also authorize the government to perform on their behalf).
Nej, anvnder man sig av sdana statliga politruker som Schultz eller Sarnecki som kllor, s har man antingen en politisk agenda fr att frvilla eller s r man sjlv frvillad och frvirrad.