Ursprungligen postat av
Haha tack fr svar. Har dock hrt att man som airbnb hyresvrd har lov att stta upp webbcam fr att se att inget galet hnder eller varfr dom nu gr det. Vet du om det stmmer? Det kanske bara sitter en cam vid hallen s dom ser vilka gster man tar in i huset ? Lter ckligt om hela jvla huset r vervakad
Har aldrig hrt talats om det. Sen s r det bttre att frska att inte lyssna p en massa struntrykten som polarna har hrt om genom deras vnner, eller dylikt.
Jag skulle fresl om du hr ngot som inte lter s trovrdigt, eller lite konstigt att du frsker kolla upp om det med Airbnb sjlva. En snabb Googling p mnet ger:
"Our standards and expectations require that all members of the Airbnb community respect each others privacy. More specifically,
we require hosts to disclose all surveillance devices in their listings, and we
prohibit any surveillance devices in certain private spaces (such as bedrooms and bathrooms) regardless of whether theyve been disclosed.
If youre a host and you have any type of surveillance device in or around a listing, even if its not turned on or hooked up, we require that you let guests know by including this information clearly in your listing description and photographs. If a host discloses the device after booking, Airbnb will allow the guest to cancel the reservation and receive a refund. Host cancellation penalties may apply."