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Beroendet av Ryssland minskar stadigt och flertalet siffror pekar uppåt när Ukraina med stöd av omvärlden utvecklar sin demokrati till västerländskt snitt. Redan ser vi ju stora skillnader mot tidigare med fri press och en yttrandefrihet och politiks dynamik ljusår före Ryssland och dess krackelerande demokrati. Sådant glädjer vänner av frihet men får Putinfans att tugga fradga i förbittring över sin förlorarstämpel i pannan.
Det glädjer säkert mytomaner av din kaliber
Inte förvånande att det saknas länkar som kan styrka, åtminstone en del av det du, jämt och ständigt, hävdar. Det finns absolut inga siffror som pekar på ukrainsk framgång.
Uppenbarligen att du inte fattar vad
press och yttrandefrihet innebär, annars skulle du inte hävda sådana groteska lögner. Ett provsmak på omvärldens reaktion över Porky-shenkos senaste dekret. Några kritiska röster:
Secretary General Jagland voices concern over blocking social networks and websites : “
Blocking of social networks, search engines, mail services and news web sites goes against our common understanding of freedom of expression and freedom of the media. Moreover,
such blanket bans are out of line with the principle of proportionality” he said.
Människorättsgrupper kritiserar Ukrainas beslut att tillämpa sanktioner mot olika former av kulturella uttryck och ser det som
ett brott mot yttrandefriheten. Den omedelbara inhemska reaktionen på Porosjenkos beslut var
övervägande negativt.
Hej, Nordkorea", skrev Vitaliy Prudyus, nyhetschef på tv-kanalen 112 Ukraina, på Facebook.
Reporters Without Borders in a statement on Tuesday condemned Ukraine's decision to ban Russian social networks because it undermines freedom of expression.
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Last week, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko approved the decision of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) to expand the list of sanctioned Russian individuals and legal entities. In particular, Ukraine has imposed sanctions on a number of Russian media, popular social networks like VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.
"Blocking social networks, messaging services and entire news organizations is neither proportionate nor justified in light of the stated aims. With this decree
Petro Poroshenko has dealt a serious blow to Ukrainian citizens’ right to information and freedom of expression and has turned his back on his international obligations," the head of RSF’s Eastern Europe and Central Asia desk, Johann Bihr, said in the statement.
Att Porosjenko nu vill hindra ukrainarna även från att kunna läsa RBK
stärker uppfattningen om att det här inte handlar om säkerhetsaspekter. Det handlar om det ukrainska statsbygget, som
i Porosjenkos värld inte tål kritik. För honom är kritik detsamma som illojalitet.
Av samma orsak hotades den kända ukrainska journalisten Savik Sjuster med indraget arbetstillstånd i fjol.
Själv har Porosjenko fortfarande inte har sålt sin egen tv-kanal – trots löften.
Hans agerande börjar mer och mer tyda på att den enda journalistik han själv betraktar som önskvärd är den lojala.
This is yet another example of the ease with which President Poroshenko unjustifiably tries to control public discourse in Ukraine," said
Tanya Cooper, Ukraine researcher at Human Rights Watch (HRW). "
Poroshenko may try to justify this latest step, but it is a cynical, politically expedient attack on the right to information affecting millions of Ukrainians, and their personal and professional lives."
The "
Erdoganization of Poroshenko is here" former journalist-turned-lawmaker Serhiy Leshchenko tweeted in an ominous reference to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's crackdown on that country's press and academia after a failed coup in July 2016.
Public Sharply Divided Over Ukraine's Ban On Russian Social Networks
Blistering criticism of the president's move came fast and hot.
Ukraine had no legal mechanism in place for blocking the Internet resources listed in the ban when Poroshenko signed the decree, according to an SBU statement, leaving it and other law enforcement agencies scrambling to recommend the necessary changes in Ukrainian law.
Mykhaylo Chaplyhya from the Ukrainian Human Rights Ombudsperson's Secretariat told the UNIAN news agency that no website may be blocked in Ukraine without a court order.
...och en video (publicerad 28 juni 2017), den tyske journalisten Manuel Ochsenreiter intervjuar Viktor Zubritsky, "the former creative producer of the news channel “112 Ukraine”", who had to leave his home country Ukraine due to criminal prosecution.
Från en artikel från
By Serhiy Kudelia ( Assistant Professor of Political Science at Baylor University, Texas
At a press conference in early June (2016, min anm.), president Petro Poroshenko sought to reassure the Ukrainian and foreign media:
“I give you my personal guarantee: there are no threats to journalists working in Ukraine.”
The murder of Sheremet demonstrates the trajectory that the Ukrainian state has followed in recent years —
from a regime that encouraged clandestine killings to an environment permissive of public executions. Whoever the organisers and the perpetrators of Sheremet’s murder are, such an outrageous crime became possible only because
of the system of impunity created and nurtured by the current Ukrainian authorities.
Over the last two years, Ukraine has experienced
an unprecedented spiral of political killings and human rights abuses, most of which remain unresolved or even completely ignored by the Ukrainian government.
The Ukrainian government has consistently denied allegations of arbitrary detention and torture of Ukrainian citizens by its security service (SBU), despite UN observers’ conclusions that these
are “deeply entrenched practices”. They have also refused to recognise the existence of secret detention facilities even in the face of detailed evidence to the contrary just
released by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch
The west has remained indifferent to Kyiv’s failure to investigate numerous political crimes and human right abuses committed on Poroshenko’s watch
In a country with politicised courts, inefficient police and deeply corrupt prosecutor offices, political ties and stacks of cash will still provide impunity for any kind of crime
Om mordet på Pavel Sheremet:
UK newspaper the Guardian at May 10 reports about a documentary which suggests that
the murder on journalist Pavel Sheremet was done by Ukraine secret service SBU. The journalist supported the pro-western uprising in 2014 that saw Viktor Yanukovych flee to Russia, but had also been bitingly critical of Ukraine’s new authorities.