Mer en konsolfrga n spelfrga iofs
Det r ett gammalt problem.. kortsiktig lsning r att folk lmnar och joinar igen och en lngsiktig lsning r att forwarda portar i routern (ngra frslag i kommentarerna behandlar det)
Anvnder inte party chat sjlv och det skulle bli en massa ondigt krngel eftersom jag har tv ps4 bakom samma router, vilken skulle d portforward g till? och dmz funkar inte s bra om man vill anvnda spotify connect, mobile connect eller chromecast fr att styra saker...
Kass att de inte fixat det bttre
This issue has been reported to the network team who are investigating the cause of the problem. As a temporary workaround you can normally fix the NAT type error by one or more users leaving and re-joining the party.
You can also improve your network connectivity by setting your PlayStation 4 in a DMZ.
If you're still having connectivity issues, you can try tweeting Ask PlayStation UK for further direct help. (Operating hours are Wednesday to Sunday, 2:30pm to 11:00pm GMT)