Ursprungligen postat av
Massa random sidor från internet.
Girighet och ondska går dock hand i hand, och det är väl det dom menar.
Många företag är onda, t.ex. Spotify. Dom är onda för att de är berädda att göra vad som helst mot sina användare och kunder så länge de kan öka sina vinster och komma undan med det.
På samma sätt kan en del kvinnor göra vad som helst mot sina respektive, bara de kommer undan med det.
Okej tack. bara nyfiken vad de menade.
Här är en till sida med en kille som avslöjat kvinnors ondska
In that they're only there until somebody comes and takes them from you or for as long as you have the resources to keep them. A woman doesn't feel any love or connection for you besides a fake bond her genetics create to keep her magnetized to the one providing for her. She's just happy to be your "possession" and only "loves you" because you fulfill her criteria and nobody better has come along.
If a better male comes along with more money and is famous etc she'll ditch you, and she won't feel bad about it WHATSOEVER. A woman's level of care and consideration towards you exists on a "what have you done for me lately?" level rather than any true affection built up between two people from spending time together.
A woman is your possession and a direct cause of the things you have. You have good looks, lots of money and fame? You will have a hot woman by your side as your possession. You are with her for 10 years, loving each other every day, then you lose EVERYTHING, your looks, your money, your fame? She's gone, just like everything else you owned, just like your Ferrarri it's only there as long as you have the resources to KEEP it there, because it's just an object it feels no "bond" with you.
You see it all the time. Soldiers get their arms blown off in war, their wives promise to love them still and be with them always, they push the guy around in a wheelchair for 2 months then leave him. And they don't feel bad about it at all. Because a woman cannot feel ANY responsibility or guilt for her actions, she can do that to her husband who fought in war for her and rationalize it as "oh, I was just way too young to deal with that, nobody could possibly expect me to stay, I'm too young for this!"... Then the soldier lives a lonely life forever more. The state desserts him in favour of immigrants. He fights for his country, for his family, and once he's injured neither the state nor his "loving wife" feel an ounce of loyalty towards him for what he's given to them. He'll be left homeless so Ackham Al-Munjabi can house his wife and 50 kids. He'll be left loveless forever more because he's no longer a strong male.
This is the reality of the world and the reality of women. Whilst men bond like brothers, like packs of wolves, women come and go, from shiny thing to shiny thing, whichever they believe suits them best. I guess that's why people compare women to cats and men more to dogs.
So there you go peasants, no such thing as love.
And when I say ALL women I mean it. My mother, sister, every female on earth.
Lite lättare att förstå när man får sånna förklaringar.