Det får bli en bump så här ett år efteråt då vi kan konstatera att rapporten fått juridiska konsekvenser.
I UKs högsta domstol har en Irakisk general, via sin advokat (QC, Queen's Counsel), använt rapporten för att försöka få Tony Blair ställd inför rätta för krigsbrott, vilket aggressionskrig är. Jag gissar dock på att detta inte kommer att hända, men man vet aldrig. De politiska vindarna skiftar och så gör också vad som utspelar sig i den juridiska apparaten.
"In his opening argument calling for a war crimes trial in Britain, Michael Mansfield QC said that the offence of waging an aggressive war has effectively been assimilated into English law. The attempt to bring Blair – with the former foreign secretary Jack Straw and the former attorney general Lord Goldsmith – to court has been launched by the former Iraqi general Abdulwaheed al-Rabbat. Rabbat, said Mansfield, was motivated by last year’s publication of the report of the Chilcot inquiry into the 2003 Iraq war. Mansfield summarised the report’s findings as: “Saddam Hussein did not pose an urgent threat to the UK, intelligence reporting about [Iraqi] weapons of mass destruction was presented with unwarranted certainty, that the war was unnecessary and that the UK undermined the authority of the UN security council.”