Om jag läser detta rätt så har Tim Duke på Stratfor satt upp en server där det finns en sk. original-weblösning som front med en bakomliggande pizza-version. Viktigt är tydligen att bägge två skall vara "neutrala".
Kan det vara som så att Stratfor kränger pizza?
testing the Pizza Pages - your list
"As of today we are able to test the new credit card landing pages (Pizza).
We have until the end of the week to find as many bugs / errors / weird stuff before launching to real visitors. Below you'll find a list of questions I've come up with that i need your help in thoroughly testing. These questions are tailored specifically toward your department and we are relying on you to find any problems.
As you go through the different scenarios please take notes on anything that seems weird or doesn't work. Additionally, If you just notice something that doesnt make sense (even if it's not on on your question list), make a note.
To reduce clutter, all feedback should be sent directly to me as soon as possible. Do not open any new IT tickets. Please use as many web browsers as you have available.
If you end up in the "Original" Credit Card campaign version, in order to see the new version you'll have to clear your stratfor cookies and refresh the page. Once you have the Pizza version You should be able to view all campaign pages in the new version, even if you close your browser and come back later.
Test server:
Testing Transactions:
At the moment, you can use your own credit card and any email address, but also use this:
First Name: Pizza
Last Name: Testing
Email address to use:
To check the emails you'll get when signing up login here:
username: catch-all
password: pass1010
*you will not be charged. CS will be voiding any transactions for Pizza.
Your Questions - Marketing Dept
1) check old campaign pages for:
a. *fill out the form below* style language (please update these campaign pages on the LIVE site to be "neutral" and make sense regardless of the Pizza or Original version. Make sense?
b. weird layout issues (title, offers, main content block)
Core Pages to check:
Reengagement LP?
2) Types of campaigns to create and test with a purchase
a. With premium, with Shipping
b. Without premium
c. With an expiration date
d. With expiration date and pass-through URL
e. With only 2 offers
f. With only 1 offer
g. With 3 offers
h. Pass-through link , coded in an email, and test sent
After test send, click email link, verify pass-through worked, & sign up, to make sure offer is the right thing
3) Verify newly campaign pages look good in both Old and New versions
4) Verify when you sign up that the proper emails are sent out. (in"
Kan det vara som så att Stratfor kränger pizza?
testing the Pizza Pages - your list
"As of today we are able to test the new credit card landing pages (Pizza).
We have until the end of the week to find as many bugs / errors / weird stuff before launching to real visitors. Below you'll find a list of questions I've come up with that i need your help in thoroughly testing. These questions are tailored specifically toward your department and we are relying on you to find any problems.
As you go through the different scenarios please take notes on anything that seems weird or doesn't work. Additionally, If you just notice something that doesnt make sense (even if it's not on on your question list), make a note.
To reduce clutter, all feedback should be sent directly to me as soon as possible. Do not open any new IT tickets. Please use as many web browsers as you have available.
If you end up in the "Original" Credit Card campaign version, in order to see the new version you'll have to clear your stratfor cookies and refresh the page. Once you have the Pizza version You should be able to view all campaign pages in the new version, even if you close your browser and come back later.
Test server:
Testing Transactions:
At the moment, you can use your own credit card and any email address, but also use this:
First Name: Pizza
Last Name: Testing
Email address to use:
To check the emails you'll get when signing up login here:
username: catch-all
password: pass1010
*you will not be charged. CS will be voiding any transactions for Pizza.
Your Questions - Marketing Dept
1) check old campaign pages for:
a. *fill out the form below* style language (please update these campaign pages on the LIVE site to be "neutral" and make sense regardless of the Pizza or Original version. Make sense?
b. weird layout issues (title, offers, main content block)
Core Pages to check:
Reengagement LP?
2) Types of campaigns to create and test with a purchase
a. With premium, with Shipping
b. Without premium
c. With an expiration date
d. With expiration date and pass-through URL
e. With only 2 offers
f. With only 1 offer
g. With 3 offers
h. Pass-through link , coded in an email, and test sent
After test send, click email link, verify pass-through worked, & sign up, to make sure offer is the right thing
3) Verify newly campaign pages look good in both Old and New versions
4) Verify when you sign up that the proper emails are sent out. (in"
Senast redigerad av cheshire 2016-12-18 kl. 10:56.
Senast redigerad av cheshire 2016-12-18 kl. 10:56.