McMaster: Trump mentioned Comey because of 'hamstrung' Russia relationship
In an interview with ABC News' "This Week" airing on Sunday morning, McMaster said he didn't know in advance that Trump was going to raise the issue. The New York Times reported Friday that Trump told Russian officials that Comey was "a real nutjob."
"I don't remember exactly what the president said, and the notes ... I do not think are a direct transcript," McMaster said when asked about the comment.
"But the gist of the conversation was that the president feels as if he is hamstrung in his ability to work with Russia to find areas of cooperation because this has been obviously so much in the news. And that was the intention of that portion of that conversation."
Det låter för mig att Trump vill samarbeta med ryssar, men känner sig 'lamslagen' eftersom det kan ses som 'pay for play'. Vad kan det vara? Jo, sanktioner, Ukraina/Krim och Syrien. Den dag undersökningen läggs ner blir en svart dag för
Förresten, Rubio lovar att fråga Comey om han kände sig pressad av Trump och om memos.
Rubio will ask Comey if he ever felt pressured
Marco Rubio, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, previews what can be expected from Jim Comey's public testimony before Congress
1) Svarar Comey 'nej' kommer Trump att få vatten på sin kvarn - Fake News
2) Svarar Comey 'classified information blir det nog 1)-lite

3) Svarar Comey 'ja' blir det ett helvete om 'obstruction of justice'