2017-11-09, 16:06
Fizzlors avatar
Då förra tråden togs bort så kommer här en bättre version med de intressantaste bitarna.

En anonym användare som signerar sina inlägg med "Q" har senaste dagarna postat en hel del intressanta inlägg på 4Chans /pol/. Enligt han själv är han en "Q-Clearence patriot", vilket skulle ge honom access till väldigt känslig information.

Hans inlägg är i stort sett bara frågor som användarna själva får leta fram svaret på, men påstår att det inom kort ska ske en massiv uppresnings i de korruptas högborg Washington DC. Ryktas om att Podestas, Hillary Clinton, Soros, McCain m.m snart ryker. En skandal som skulle få alla andra skandaler i världshistorien att blekna. Topskiktet av eliten är påväg ner.

För närvarande är det 33 "sealed indictments" ute i Washington DC, åtal som ännu är dolda för allmänheten och där man inte vill att den åtalade ska bli "tipped off" i förväg.
+50 i angränsade Virginia:


]Stargazerjr[S] 46 poäng 12 timmar sen
33 others are in dc. These are 50 additional sealed indictments. A big storm.is a brewing

ForgottenMemes 4 poäng 7 timmar sen
I don't claim to be a legal expert, but I've never heard of this happening. My assumption is that it's always going to be for people who are well connected, charged with serious crimes and an extreme flight risk. (interpretations of exactly what qualifies may vary) They don't want the person tipped off and on a private jet in the 1-2 hrs it takes the cops to get around to knocking on their door.

Några av "Q"s posts:

Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?
Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?
Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?
Was TRUMP asked to run for President?
By Who?
Was HRC next in line?
Was the election suppose to be rigged?
Did good people prevent the rigging?
Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?
Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?
What is POTUS in control of?
What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?
Why does the military play such a vital role?
Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?
Who guards former Presidents?
Why is that relevant?
Who guards HRC?

There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).

11.3 - Podesta indicted
11.6 - Huma indicted

Manafort was placed into Trump's camp (as well as others). The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin). A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D's) and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan).

Good speed, Patriots.
PS, Soros is targeted.

Why does Obama travel in advance of POTUS to foreign locations?
Why is this relevant?
Focus on the power of POTUS as it relates to the Marines.
How can MI be applied to prosecute bad actors and avoid corrupt agencies and judges?
Biggest drop on Pol.

"Would it blow your mind if i told you BO (Barack Obama) has been to NK (Nordkorea) and perhaps there now?
"Why did his administration do little to slow down their nuclear and missile capabilities?"
"Who feeds NK with strategic intel? Iran?"
"What deal was done with Iran under BO?"
"Why was the deal sealed under a top secret classification?"

POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make American great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.

It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.

Alla "Q"s posts går att finna här: http://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/ima...9679143948.png


Användare har försökt komma med svar på hans frågor här: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/publish...c08ebbb1b444f6


Why does the military play such a vital role?
It's the one organization left that isn't corrupt, and it is powerful and controlled by Trump. Military tribunals. They can bypass the corrupt judges, prosecutors & juries (who can be bought or are zombie leftists)
Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?
Having the military on your side prevents the possibility of a coup and gives power over the other 3 letter organizations.
Who guards former Presidents?
Why is that relevant?
They are all connected to the swamp.
Who guards HRC?

I trådarna skriver folk (som påstår sig vara aktiva) inom militären att det sker en hel del rörelser. Någonting är på gång.

Q frågar:

What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?
"Marine Corps Law 1834 gives President authority over Marines for any duties President sees fit.
As outlined in 10 U.S.C. § 5063 and as originally introduced under the National Security Act of 1947, three primary areas of responsibility for the Marine Corps are:Seizure or defense of advanced naval bases and other land operations to support naval campaigns;Development of tactics, technique, and equipment used by amphibious landing forces in coordination with the Army and Air Force; and Such other duties as the President or Department of Defense may direct."
Why is this important?
because its the Marine Corps responsibility to to protect the president and Us dignitaries abroad . and technically the Marine corps doesn't really protect the president in a direct fashion that is up to the secret service security detail. the Marine Corps does however have the sole responsibility of transporting the president by helicopter to air force one or camp david or anywhere else he may need to go within reach of Marine 1 source. If answer to #31 is correct, Trump can send in Marines without asking Congress.

Trump har speciell makt över marinen och kan använda dem mot AFA-kaosare och annat löst folk som kan tänkas göra uppror när Clinton, Podestas, Soros mfl blir plockade. Om allt detta stämmer så skulle Mainstream media direkt gå ut med "TRUMP GÖR STATSKUPP! HILLARY GRIPEN!", vilket hade ställt till med en jävla massa oreda.

Inte bara demokrater som ligger i siktet:

What if John McCains's surgery was fake?
If fake, he's setting himself up to avoid prosecution and/or testifying anywhere.

Why would this occur?
In order to preclude criminal culpability in court, i.e., Mental fitness issue

Detta är också intressant:

Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO? (non profit organization)
"So it could not be confiscated during arrest
-Because he feared they would be confiscated if they were in his own account, but he still wants to be able to use them for social engineering, subversion and general mayhem by controlling the NPO. He knows some serious shit is about to go down and he wants to cover his ass / keep his weapons loaded.
-He's also afraid of those above him"

Why is this relevant?
"Becauase he knows his days are numbered
His agenda is off the rails, he will a) lose all his $ anyway, b) lose his head, c) is terrified of those above him."

Who owes a lot to very bad actors?

How can she repay as payment was made under promise of victory.
She cannot repay with access, power, control, because she lost; she can repay with cash payments via BO cash payments (see #93) or even CF money, or possibly repay "in kind" with human trafficking

Tänkte att vi i denna tråd diskuterar den omryktade #TheStorm som nu sägs vara i rullning, med kommande gripanden av väldigt högt uppsatta personer i USA. Vi snackar Nûrnberg-rättegångarna i kvadrat. Korruption som rör allt från pengatvätt, vapenhandel, trafficking, barnprostitution m.m.

Allt som rör "Q"s posts anser jag också vara relevant för tråden!
Senast redigerad av Fizzlor 2017-11-09 kl. 16:15.
2017-11-09, 16:21
Fizzlors avatar
Mer intressant:

Four carriers & escorts in the pacific?
Yes Now 7 out of 11 which is a majority, so it's important.

Why is that relevant?
It will prevent China, Russia, NK, and other state actors from attempting to harm the US during whatever is coming up.

To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China?

Or conversely all for NK? Or all three.
All three.
2017-11-09, 16:29
Screwattacks avatar

Ok, det verkar vara något på gång. Men utöver ett par godtyckligt relaterade senare nyheter så verkar saker fortfarande mest hända på twitter och reddit. Så jag vet inte riktigt, jag tror min foliehatt får ligga på hyllan lite till innan jag hoppar på det här tåget. Hur kan vi säkerställa att de omtalade åtalen faktiskt finns, och att namnen som sägs hanteras i dem också är de som faktiskt hanteras? Vilket värde har källan? Det verkar ju onekligen vara många som hoppar på, men detta ser fortfarande ut till att lika gärna kunna vara en stor troll-hype. Att hitta på en story och sen välja och vraka bland lösrykta nyheter som man menar "bekräftar" ens teori har ju försökts förut. Har sålts romaner i miljoner exemplar på det viset också.

Oavsett. Trotts mitt tvekande. Man kan ju alltid hoppas
2017-11-09, 16:32
Fizzlors avatar
Would it blow your mind if I told you BO has been to NK and perhaps there now?
Yes. Although former President Clinton had been there to retrieve the two vanguard journalists.

Why did his administration do little to slow their nuclear and missile capabilities?
Because they wanted them to be nuclear capable. Crisis and world chaos create mass fear which causes citizens to "demand" a new world government to "save" us from war, destruction, global warming, etc. Never waste a good crisis.War -- particularly a nuclear war -- also reduces the world's population, a large part of the globalist agenda.

What deal was done with Iran under BO?
Iran Nuclear Deal. Scientist, Tech and Cash Payout of frozen Iranian funds

Why was the deal sealed under top secret classification?
"Because they didn't want it getting out.
-To eliminate interference of govt officials who are beholden to KSA"

Why wasn't Congress notified?
"They wanted it kept from the public
-Many Congresspersons are owned by KSA
-KSA is the mortal enemy of Iran
-Congress would balk and interfere on behalf of their owners."

Why after all BO left office, all of a sudden NK has nukes and the tech to miniaturize for payload delivery within the U.S.?
"-Because it was given to them by the Obama administration via the Iran deal.
-He was paying off HRC debts she couldn't pay without being president"

Intressant om man dessutom tar hänsyn till de utrensningar som skett inom KSA senaste dagarna.
2017-11-09, 16:37
Fizzlors avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Screwattack

Ok, det verkar vara något på gång. Men utöver ett par godtyckligt relaterade senare nyheter så verkar saker fortfarande mest hända på twitter och reddit. Så jag vet inte riktigt, jag tror min foliehatt får ligga på hyllan lite till innan jag hoppar på det här tåget. Hur kan vi säkerställa att de omtalade åtalen faktiskt finns, och att namnen som sägs hanteras i dem också är de som faktiskt hanteras? Vilket värde har källan? Det verkar ju onekligen vara många som hoppar på, men detta ser fortfarande ut till att lika gärna kunna vara en stor troll-hype. Att hitta på en story och sen välja och vraka bland lösrykta nyheter som man menar "bekräftar" ens teori har ju försökts förut. Har sålts romaner i miljoner exemplar på det viset också.

Oavsett. Trotts mitt tvekande. Man kan ju alltid hoppas

Självklart skulle det kunna vara en stor hoax, därav anledningen till att jag la tråden i Konspirationer. Men, med tanke på vad som hänt senaste dagarna, inte minst i Saudi, så tror jag att det kan ligga mycket i det som denna "Q" skriver.

Det finns onekligen många inom amerikanska underrättelsetjänsten och militären som är trött på att se sitt land bli totalt sönderknullat av blodtörstiga globalister. Dirty things har pågått i decennier, tusentals miljarder dollar har spenderats på krig vars enda syfte har varit att göra vissa ännu rikare och ge dem ännu mer makt globalt, tusentals och åter tusentals liv offrade för absolut ingenting.
I stort sett alla större konflikter (Libyen, Irak, Syrien, IS) vi sett i världen de senaste decennierna har visat sig komma från ljusskygga hörn inom den amerikanska "Deep State". Vart du än tittar så är CIA inblandade på ett eller annat vis.

Alla sitter med skit på alla - någon gång måste det fram.

Slutligen: Mainstream media ägs av privata intressen, samma intressen som ville att mega-korrupte Hillary Clinton skulle vinna valet. De lär hålla käft och försöka tysta ner tills det inte går längre. Blir Hillary, Soros eller någon annan powerplayer gripen så lär de dra igång direkt.
Senast redigerad av Fizzlor 2017-11-09 kl. 16:44.
2017-11-09, 16:44
Screwattacks avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Fizzlor
Självklart skulle det kunna vara en stor hoax, därav anledningen till att jag la tråden i Konspirationer. Men, med tanke på vad som hänt senaste dagarna, inte minst i Saudi, så tror jag att det kan ligga mycket i det som denna "Q" skriver.

Det finns onekligen många inom amerikanska underrättelsetjänsten och militären som är trött på att se sitt land bli totalt sönderknullat av blodtörstiga globalister. Dirty things har pågått i decennier, alla sitter med skit på alla - någon gång måste det fram.

Slutligen: Mainstream media ägs av privata intressen, samma intressen som ville att mega-korrupte Hillary Clinton skulle vinna valet. De lär hålla käft och försöka tysta ner tills det inte går längre. Blir Hillary, Soros eller någon annan powerplayer gripen så lär de dra igång direkt.

Just Soros står väl högst på min önskelista. Globalister i allmänhet. Och jag har de senaste åren gått och väntat på att pendeln ska slå tillbaka, någon gång ska väl korthuset av propaganda falla, men det här.. Ja känslan av att det skulle vara för bra för att vara sant är väldigt genomgående. Och jag tror jag går på den känslan tills jag ser Soros, Clinton (i alla fall en av dem) eller Obama dragen inför rätta. Det kommer nämligen behövas ett stornamn för att bekräfta detta. Någon random demokrat i kongressen som hängs ut för korruption är typ peanuts i sammanhanget, och alldeles för sannolikt ändå för att ge en teori som denna cred. Hoppet är ju dock det sista som överger en. =)
2017-11-09, 16:50
Fizzlors avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Screwattack
Just Soros står väl högst på min önskelista. Globalister i allmänhet. Och jag har de senaste åren gått och väntat på att pendeln ska slå tillbaka, någon gång ska väl korthuset av propaganda falla, men det här.. Ja känslan av att det skulle vara för bra för att vara sant är väldigt genomgående. Och jag tror jag går på den känslan tills jag ser Soros, Clinton (i alla fall en av dem) eller Obama dragen inför rätta. Det kommer nämligen behövas ett stornamn för att bekräfta detta. Någon random demokrat i kongressen som hängs ut för korruption är typ peanuts i sammanhanget, och alldeles för sannolikt ändå för att ge en teori som denna cred. Hoppet är ju dock det sista som överger en. =)

Jag tror att pendeln börjar svinga nu väldigt mycket på grund utav deras höga ålder, och det faktum att ingen av dessa globalisthökar verkar ha tagit med internets makt i beräkningen.

Har man kunnat bete sig på ett visst sätt i +50-60 år så är det inte helt lätt att plötsligt anpassa sig efter en helt ny grej som internet med allt vad det innebär.

Men ja, personligen ser jag gärna Soros hängd.
2017-11-09, 17:09
Fizzlors avatar

What just broke w/ Huma?

What did HRC instruct Huma to do re: Classified markings?
"To mark them unclassified
-"strip them, turn them into non-paper and send" via an unsecure channel to end up on Hillary's server, open for the world to access"

Why is this story just now coming out?
"-Certain events had to occur first - Hillary's benefactors/owners in KSA had to be taken out of circulation and held incommunicado so there would be no protection for her (or funds available to escape, bribe, etc.)
-The noose is closing in. Avenues of escape for other affiliated actors are being closed."

What relevance does it have?
"It's a serious crime to both order it and to carry it out.
-contradicts Comey's validation for not pursuing HRC prior to the primaries"

Why are left wing organizations beginning to report on DNC/D corruption?
"1) Critical mass of civilian-reporting/journalism +Wikileaks info forces them to acknowledge it.
2) Protection for some has been removed, so certain information can now be stated without personal threat."
HRC is being hung out to dry?

Does the CIA have operators inside the MSM?

What happens if exposed?
It will weaken the MSM's message, though not all will believe it

What happens if tied back as 'knowing' to execs?
They'll never control the narrative again
Trump Tweet 10/11/17: "With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" If the executives knowingly disseminated false information, would they lose their licenses and/or open themselves up to criminal and/or civil prosecution? On a larger scale, treason?

What does this have to do with 'leaking'?
""Leaking" is a form of control; you have some newbie reporter hot to make a mark in journalism; you set him/her up with a deep state operative and leak some information;info turns out to be legit; he/she is now lauded for great journalism, gets a raise, goes into debt; deep state now owns the journalist. Journalist has to keep getting the leaks to keep being an "insider"; deep state can now slant stories, ask for "favors" to help massage the narrative and occasionally just lie. But journalist has to accept the lie cuz otherwise, no more leaks.

Knowingly committed crime"
2017-11-09, 17:20
Fizzlors avatar
• Insider anons are reporting that the Podestas have been selling children to Saudi Princes, those who have just been arrested / ousted from power. These princes control everything.
• They are saying the pedo parts of this won't get to the MSM without us, and are asking us to GO!!! Quoting Q- "SHOW US
• Q Anon's questions are connecting REAL dots that we have always known and have researched but have never linked it all together.
Everything PG. Vegas. 911. Cabal is connected to SA
The Saudi Princes are huge donors to the CF et al and the CF has been using them for money laundering.
These Saudi's are in the class above Soros. Soros is worth 10B, these Saudi princes together were worth 2T. Not even dose.
• Q made it dear in his 'Tour family" post that Soros was controlled by them. So Trump and Salman brought down corrupt members of the House of Saud (one of the four families). That cut the strings to HRC, but now she's twisting in the wind.
Soros is the pipeline, not the puppetmaster. The corrupt Sauds were the puppet master.
• Trumps SA tweet was confirming that he'd trade Amaco on the NYSE, his part of the bargain for these Princes being ousted. He's essentially saying he'll protect the Saudi economy.
• Trumps first visit overseas was to Saudi. He made a deal that these Princes would be outed, so he can bring down the Cabal in exchange for him protecting the Saudi economy.
• The missile which hit Riyadh last night was a US one. Targeted EMP is being used to cut power to the princes compounds.
Saudi prince ousted earlier owns Mandalay Bay alongside Bill Gates. The Vegas shooting was part of this.
• Saudi Prince ousted is the second largest share holder of twitter and owns a larger share than @Jack
The Saudi Princes have been protecting the cabal. They can't any longer. The princes had to go first.
• IMPORTANT - See my comments in the updates below for essential reading on the Saudi tweet from Trump earlier.
• Q signed a post with a puzzle leading to the initials DJT (will find the link - anyone have it,
• It appears that MegaAnon is Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Follow from this post, and into the next thread where the 'feet '
photo shows feet on the WH Press Room carpet -- http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/147998236#p148001412 -- Appears
that she's posting as Sarah and Megs at the same time.
• We have been chosen to support OJT and this historical time. WE ARE THE MEDIA NOW.
Princes Go First --- Podesta and Clinton Cabal Next
Whatever you've go, please post it!! The dots are being connected JUST NOW and /poi are calling for us PG Voaters to
help as we know our subject. We need us all just now to do as much as we can. This is our time

Mycket intressant. Det som sker nu i KSA är alltså, enligt ovan post, att Trump nu rensar ut korrupta pedo-donatorer med djupa kopplingar till Deep State, HRC m.m.

Banden klipps. Kommande veckor blir mycket spännande.
2017-11-09, 17:26
Nej, de lurar dig. Hur lättlurad får man vara? Ryker nån ersätts de av en annan från samma gäng. Manipulation för hela slanten.
2017-11-09, 17:30
fuskas avatar
Spännande teori.
Den här tråden behöver dock någon typ av kod bok eller facit för alla jävla förkortningar. Lyckades lura ut några...
Men häng dom alla
2017-11-09, 17:31
Fizzlors avatar

Deep State:
In the United States, the deep state is an alleged entity that coordinates efforts by government employees and others to influence state policy without regard for democratically elected leadership

En liten klick med människor som drar i trådarna i bakgrunden, oavsett vem som är frontfigur. Har länge betraktats som en konspirationsteori, men börjar sakta men säkert ses som verklighet.

Det skulle bland annat förklara varför har alla presidenter sedan JFK (borsett från Trump nu då) varit så extremt lika - demokrater som republikaner - i sin politik. Varför samma släkt/relationsband ständigt återkommer i maktpositioner. Varför folk som Putin skrattar åt "västerländsk demokrati".

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